No signs of ovulation a few cycles after D&C


New member
Hi folks, hoping to get some advice on my LH tests that seems a bit peculiar and is a cause of some stress.

Historically, my follicular phase has been variable (ovulation on CD 25 to 32), but luteal phase has been regular (15 days after ovulation). had a missed miscarriage at 6 weeks in Nov 2023, after getting a positive pregnancy test on Oct 23, 2023. D&C followed in Dec.

Got my first period back at the end of Jan. Since then it's been 3 unsuccessful ovulation cycles. Since June 2023, quit drinking and since Aug 2023 my cycle became more predictable and follicular phasse was consistently 23-25 days.

owever, last cycle's (April 2024) strip tests showed a very low peak (peaked at 0.98 T/C when typically it's >1.8, Feb cycle peak was 2.8). In the current May cycle, I am on CD 30 with no signs of ovulation. CM hasn't changed. It's out of the ordinary and is affecting my mental state as got used to predictable ovulation days. Been testing everyday. My peak in May cycle seems to be 0.46, which think is too low to be called a peak. It was at CD 22. No change in BBT though around that time. It's my first cycle tracking BBT.

Any insights, advice, or solidarity would be much appreciated. Could I have already ovulated? ls it an anovulatory cycle? Is ovulation coming?
@helenm12 Trigger warning: LC

After my d&c, my cycle had some permanent changes. My LH peaks never got as high as they did before the d&c, or at least I never caught them! I also had less CM in general and no longer had EWCM. But I got pregnant with my daughter without EWCM and with an LH “peak” that Premom read as 0.72! I will say my BBT shift was there, but it was minimal compared to other charts I’ve seen (and what I had prior to the d&c).

TTC after loss is such a roller coaster. If tracking is causing you more harm than good right now, there’s no harm in TTC without all the tracking.