No OnE lIsTeNs tO mE


New member
I really got my husband some great thoughtful gifts this year. One gift was maybe something that he wouldn’t have gotten himself but I put a lot of money and personal thought in it. That didn’t stop my husband from ranting about “dreading holidays and birthdays.” He legit refused to give me a list this year and even said tonight “I’ve mentioned things all year I’d like. Like that one blazer, I told you I liked that a while ago. I’m just sick of no one listening to me.No one bothers to remember I shouldn’t have to make a detailed list..” Like omg excuse me for not buying a blazer that you mentioned a few times months and months ago (fyi it’s a spring blazer- you can’t even buy it atm). I find it funny now he leaned it not feeling heard but I mention on the daily how I like coming home to washed bottles and how it would be nice to not have to be the only one who does our baby’s laundry, but ya know what I LIKE AND NEED is just noise I guess?!?

I’m feeling like I married and ungrateful spoiled, child. He really doesn’t know how to find the love and appreciation in things sometimes.

Also, while I’m venting, he got me a bracelet and it’s 100% not anything I’d ever ask for and nothing I ever asked for and certainly never mentioned- tbh I don’t even care for the brand of this item. In fact, I mentioned how I prefer gold many time but this bracelet is silver. You know what I did? I opened it said it was very beautiful, which is true, and I thanked my husband. I even mentioned a time/place I could wear it. BC THATS WHAT A THANKFUL AND THOUGHTFUL PERSON DOES.

Okay rant over. I know this is a first world issue and a problem I know I’m lucky and blessed to even have but I just needed to vomit this out bc it’s not worth starting a fight over.
@godschild29 It’s like he took your response at face value, just like a kid would, with absolutely no recognition that BOTH of you tried to get something nice for the other person without a list and didn’t quite hit the mark. I think you should tell him that HIS gift to you wasn’t what you wanted either, and tell him something you’ve mentioned you wanted that he forgot about. It’s very very childish.