NIPT and NT results were negative. I'm 35 so wondering if I should still do amniocentesis with the risks involved?


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Genetic testing showed I'm an intermediate carrier for fragile x - so very very low risk and child will at most be a carrier according to my genetic counselor. I'm 35, only want the one child so this feels like my only shot. I know the risks involved (0.1-0.2% risk) but I'm leaning toward going forward with it, my husband is pretty against it but won't force his opinion on me. I worry if there IS a miscarriage that our relationship will be really strained for a long time. I don't want to go ahead without 2 yes's.

What would you do/have done in my place? I know that if results show any anomaly, I will terminate even if my husband disagrees but that's a fully separate rabbit hole.
@okieracing I wouldn't do an amnio. There's no reason to do an invasive procedure that probably has a higher chance of resulting in miscarriage than your fetus has of having this disorder.
@okieracing I had a vanishing twin, so the surviving twin was at a slightly elevated risk for genetic issues, but my non invasive genetic testing showed baby was normal. I was thissss close to amnio, I’m also 35 and have had several miscarriages, one due to downs. I ended up not doing it bc baby was thriving. The cutoff was like 16w and I felt a baby that looked great ar 16w was very unlikely to have issues…my medical team quoted like a 1/150 chance of loss from amnio (Omg, that’s a really big chance to me!) but I’ve also read 1/700 is more like it FWIW. I literally went for the procedure, and after they showed my baby kicking away, changed my mind.
@okieracing I personally would get the amnio. I have a friend who was in a similar position (she was a carrier of a chromosomal abnormality and had already lost one baby early on due to not being 'viable') and she had an amniocentesis for both her successful pregnancies with no adverse effects. I personally would want to know as much as possible about the baby's health so I could make an informed decision about whether or not to continue the pregnancy.
@okieracing I would definitely not do an amino unless there’s a reason. I had my baby girl at 39, and there was no abornmal reason and we didn’t do one & now she’s amazing perfect !!! I wouldn’t worry! Congratulations on your bundle of Joy !!
@okieracing In 2011 when I was pregnant with my son, I chose to have an amnio done.

I was 38 (considered higher risk bc of my age) and convinced I wasn't going to relax and enjoy my pregnancy unless I knew he was gonna be OK. I just needed to know.

I had the amnio on a Friday and took it very easy and stayed hydrated for days after.
I was fine, my baby was fine and 2 weeks later got the result that he was typical.
All was good!

It wasn't a pleasant procedure, it was nerve-wracking, but it wasn't very painful.
Cramping is normal
Good luck with whatever you do!!

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