newly pregnant, run my half?

@monkeyroo Have fun! I did an Olympic tri at 6 weeks (recently done a 70.3 Ironman). Be prepared to not feel the same and make sure to stay in Zone 2, but glad I did it. Sadly I’m at week 11 and have been too sick to participate in my 70.3 I was registered for this weekend. Get it in while you can!
@monkeyroo I just ran my half (week 5+) and I made sure I kept my pace pretty easy and I stopped at each hydration station and made sure I drank a cup of water and a cup of gatorate (it was pretty humid) and took 2 caffeine-free gels. I am having some irrational thoughts, but ob okayed it and I felt pretty great running the half at an easy pace. If your ob gives you the green light, you should be totally fine. Make sure you’re not feeling any dizziness or weird pain or anything out of the ordinary. Have fun!
@monkeyroo I ran a half at 13 weeks pregnant and did an Olympic distance tri at 15 weeks. My doctor said keep doing what you’re doing as long as feel fine. I’m 18 weeks today and doing a sprint distance tri this weekend. I think it’s fine!