Nervous …


New member
Following an ectopic, it was super hard for us to get pregnant again (2 years later) but according to my last cycle I’m 5 weeks 6 days.
Went in on week 5 day 3 and got trans vag us no sac or pole detected. They took blood. My hcg measured 487. The next 2 days I had discharge ranging in color and quanitty from bright red to dark brown. And consistency from water to coffee grounds. No flow consistency sometimes nothing for hours. Sometimes enough to have to change a party linwr.
Was back today for my 48 hour draw. And anxious waiting results.

I’m just nervous this is going to be the same after we tried for so long.
@jrlthinks I wouldn’t worry about the ultrasound at this point, give it a week and they can redo it. It’s not uncommon for there to be nothing to see that’s why in normal circumstances they wouldn’t do an ultrasound so early. I’m hoping for the best! Try not to overthink things until you get your results back. I know it’s difficult.
@conner007 I’m not too nervous about the ultrasound. I felt good after finding out my levels were just below 500 and we saw nothing. The bleeding is what is really terrifying me. I’m hoping I just ovulated a week later than I thought and this is the implant. Just trying to keep positive thoughts.