Nephew is fathers emotional punching bag. How can I give him the tools to be mentally strong?


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For context, my brother has not been officially diagnosed but has all the characteristics of bp and narcissism. Without getting into too many details, father basically takes out his frustration on his son, constantly criticizing him in everything he does, only focuses on his negatives, he speaks to him like a soldier, (with his other kids, he’s so gentle, completely opposite) if he’s in a sport practice, he’s screaming his lungs off at him telling him to be faster or better or to move. He’s a kid. He’s doing the best he can. I feel like dad wishes he had a different type of kid. I can sense my nephew feeling inadequate and he’s definitely afraid of his dad. Dad also had a drinking problem when son was 1-3 years old, which he’s “better” now but I think his emotional roller coaster took son for a spin and left him traumatized. I’m fearful for his future and his inner self. While I have zero control over the amount of time he spends with dad, I’m trying to find a way for him to have to tools and resources for him to be mentally strong. I hate seeing his light being diminished. How can I help him? What are some things I can say? Or some books I can read or children’s books to read to him?