Need your thoughts, prayers, and/or good vibes


New member
Posted early yesterday that my wife was going into L&D at 35 weeks. 14 hours later and baby was born, got some immediate attention and then was able to do an hour of skin-to-skin with mom. Good size (7.5 pounds/19.5 inches). Fast forward almost a full 24 hours and I’m sitting outside of a different hospital where my son was transferred to the special care nursery waiting on a call to come see him after he gets out of surgery while my wife is back at the hospital where it all began. I’m emotionally exhausted and absolutely hated seeing my little guy hooked up to so many monitors and machines. Just praying that I see him soon and that he comes through this with strong lungs and good blood sugar. Not trying to dampen anyone else’s experiences or create trauma, I am just at a loss for words.... need all the positive energy I can get right now.
@montexss My friend was a preemie at 32 weeks and had to have heart surgery, he's a strong adult now, your baby will get through this. Stay strong, be kind to yourself and reach out to a friend or family member to sit in for you to shower and get some rest, even a few hours would do you well. Big hugs from an internet stranger.
@montexss Just had my son this week so I feel how excausted you are...stay strong and just be there for mom as she will need you too. Think positive and im sure things will get better soon.
@montexss Special care is just that. It’s special. It may not be the way you imagined but it’s the best place for your little guy to thrive right now. Sending lots of positive thoughts. My little girl was in special care as well
@montexss Sending good vibes man. You are so lucky to have him. This is just a temporary situation and all will be good in the end. I will pray for you and your family.
@montexss Hang in there. My wife and I just went through the same. We had an emergency c section on Monday, and the baby was transported two hours away to a specialized NICU. My wife couldn’t go, so I went with with the baby. Then the baby was transferred to another Hoosiers closer to home, but neither of us could go due to COVID. Long story short, we are now home and everything is fine. Keep your head up, focus on the facts and the elements that you can control. Most importantly have good and frequent lines of communication with your wife as you go through this. You will both need to talk.