Need sub-zero temp carrier cover for toddler

My daughter is 18 months old and we are still going strong baby wearing. We live in Scandinavia and temps have been -14⁰ C (7⁰ F) the last two weeks. Problem is, she has grown out of her very warm, snowproof rainproof cover and I cannot find one for a bigger child (she's currently 80cm tall). Any ideas or suggestions would be welcome, bonus if it's an EU product that I don't have to pay import duties on.
This is what we've been using up until now. It's gotten both too short and too narrow.

I'm currently using my own down jacket wrapped around her, but it's finicky and leaves gaps where the cold air can blow in.

Putting her in her snowsuit does not work well because A: I can't tighten the carrier straps safely, similar to wearing a puffy coat in a car seat, and B: I can't bring her inside after 20 minutes and lay her down in her crib for the rest of the nap.
@seekinghopekelly German in Denmark here. Do you use wool? Wool inner layer, wool sweater, wool trousers and then wool suit? Not as bulky as a snow suit but warm.

Do you back carry or front carry? If front carry - try the "big sister's cardigan trick" from slyngejordemoder (hashtag vinterogvikler on Instagram). You basically take a jacket for a small child and turn it upside down. Put your child's feet and legs through the jackets arms and pull up the jacket and put it under the straps of the carrier or wrap. (the bottom of the jacket is on top of the panel)

I used my hoppediz cover for quite long. Got it on Amazon. Didymos also makes a cover that looks quite big. Do you know someone that sews? Because someone can sew straps on a big blanket or from an adult jacket. Just use some wide elastic band.
@pashapotte Yes, we do use wool as inner layers and we had an outer wool suit for her as a baby, but I don't have one in her size anymore. I'm hoping to dress her in pretty much the same as she would wear indoors plus maybe one additional layer, then a cover on top that can be easily removed. The carrier is magical at getting her to nap when she won't otherwise, but to save my back I prefer to get her asleep and then transfer her to the crib inside. So if she's dressed in a bunch of layers I can't do that.

The upside down jacket is very smart! And I'm going to look into the covers you mentioned. My mom sews but she lives 13 000 km away unfortunately 😔 I might be able to do something basic with sewing straps on. Thanks for all your suggestions!
@seekinghopekelly I use a jacket extender from makemybellyfit. I use a wrap for my baby so haven’t used the liner it came with, or the warmer one and we have been good to -15 so far. He was too hot with a liner at -10
@seekinghopekelly I purchased it on sale for 30% off. I wouldn’t wear it in the rain. It’s not the prettiest jacket, looks way better in photos, and the sizing is way off. Runs big. However, I am happy with the purchase. Keeps the baby and I warm, and I am able to enjoy walks with her and feel confident that she is toasty.