Nanit or Owlet?


New member
Our twins have arrived at 33+3, one day ahead of when their big brother arrived.

We used the Nanit baby monitor for our singleton. We were thinking we would buy a second Nanit and use those for the twins. We are in the U.K. and the advice here is to co-bed twins so that is what we intend to do. They are co-bedding a lot of the time in neonatal currently.

Have any of you used either of these monitors when co-bedding. Once the babies start moving a lot, I can imagine the Nanit being difficult as it could start picking up the wrong baby which makes me wonder whether the owlet would be better?

Any thoughts would be much appreciated!
@teschaeffer Nanit in general. We did a lot of research into the owlet and while the peace of mind seems nice, there’s a lot of false or unnecessary alerts that could cause unnecessary stress during an already tricky time! We used nanit with our first, and found that we only really wanted to use the breathing band when he was sick. We got another nanit for the twins so that we could use one app and have it split screen.
@teschaeffer I have both. Nanit is much better. We have two nanits/two cribs for the twins. One owlet for older singleton. For the early days I like the regular non-wifi baby monitors though.
@teschaeffer My friend had a nanit for her twins and it seems like a waste of money imo. One camera would always pick up their hatch, they never actually used the "fancy" features and then every now and then something would crash so it would appear that the babies were still sleeping but she could hear them screaming. Personally I would put your money to use elsewhere, there are so many great monitors for like 1/3 of the price that you can view through your phone and come with a physical monitor.
@teschaeffer I had an owlet for my singleton and have ordered another for when the twins come. It worked great and was actually pretty accurate when his oxygen dropped due to bronchiolitis, which is something he was hospitalised for a number of times in his first year. The hospital toe monitor was crap in comparison and either fell off repeatedly or he was able to pull it off. I used to sit there and wonder why they hadn’t created their own sock monitor for babies instead of chucking away numerous sensors and having to redo them.
@teschaeffer 5 week olds here. Owlet has been great, haven’t had a false alarm yet. Been using since they came home and were 5lbs with no problems. Alarms we have gotten were real.

Setup was simple, I bought them from eBay but got ones that were sealed still…much more affordable. We don’t feel it increases our anxiety even though we’re both anxious people (has done the opposite for us), and the sleep monitoring that comes with it is a nice touch.

There’s a ton of negative sentiment that still exists online from before they were fda cleared, our peds himself said he started using one with his 4 month old as soon as it got cleared. As long as you use it as a supplemental tool and not a primary tool, he recommends it.
@jedidia Thank you! I definitely found my anxiety was decreased with the Nanit with our first. I can’t imagine not having some sort of breathing west for the twins
@teschaeffer Yeah same!

One of my best friends has a Nanit and i just thought the owlet was cheaper / fit our needs better since we didn’t have to buy in to whole nanit ecosystem with the camera (we use non-wifi monitor since one of our friends had their wifi one hacked…)