

New member
Hey all, we are struggling a bit with names and wanted opinions. We have a few first names and middle names we like, but I am open to suggestions or hearing how y’all picked out yours! If you like any of the ones we have so far let me know, I’ll keep the first and middle names separate as a mix and match haha.

First: Brandi, Zoe, Delilah, Annie

Middle: Rose, Fae (was my great grandmother’s name)

We don’t have a lot of middle names picked so far. My mom’s name was Deborah and I’d like to incorporate it somehow but it sounds off as a middle name with our first names for me, which is why we picked Fae because my mom was extremely close to her grandma. If anyone has ideas for a name it would go with though that’d be awesome.
@mousa I love Delilah Rose, it flows beautifully.

I know it’s a bit out there but Deborah means Bee so would you consider Honey as a middle name?
@mousa R/namenerds! And I feel like Delilah (Deli) could be a name sake for Deborah (Debbie) but you don’t have to reach that far. What’s your mother’s middle name?

For Fae, I feel like you could do the long version of Annie; Annabelle Fae, Annalise Fae, Marianne Fae, Angela Fae, Anita Fae, Andrea Fae, etc.
