Nail polish for kids??


New member
We are a patchwork family. One of our kids is a sweet 4.5 year old girl. Her father, where she stays almost half the time lets her put on nail polish, which is made especially for kids (doesn’t stay on so long and is less toxic I guess. Hope…), both on her finger nails and toe nails. Is that inappropriate for a 4.5 year old child? I do think so! My wife isn’t sure about it and her ex, the girls father can’t be bothered with any opinion other than his own anyway. She has it on for days, so also in kindergarden etc. What’s your take on this?
@nk1828fo …..what? I’m not a professional but this is not inappropriate at all. What could possibly be wrong with some harmless nail polish? I’m honestly confused why this would even be an issue. Lots of little kids wear nail polish.