My Testimony- 3kids3Moms


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Hello, I’m a single father(27) of 3 kids and I have a really hard time talking about my story so I figured maybe I could type something out and post it here since I do want to talk about it, or let someone read it, but I prefer to do it anonymously. My story is a trip, but here it goes.

On my 18th birthday I threw a party at a lake, got completely drunk, and got taken to the backseat of a random car where all I remember is me looking at the back window all fogged up. Yup, I didn’t know it at the time, I was drunk, young and dumb, but I was being taken advantage of. We will call her mom (A). I wake up in the front seat of my car with the biggest headache but I can’t leave since my car key is not on the key ring. I get out and see Mom (A) was sitting by a fire with some random ass dude that was making breakfast. I quickly say, “what happened last night?” and ask where tf my car key is. I go look by the fire pit and my key is sitting on top of a tiny dirt pile next to the fire pit. Wasn’t covered in much dirt, almost like someone took my key and placed it there. I look at mom(A) and I’m like I’m out. Well, 7 months, yes 7 months pass and I get a call from mom (A) telling me she’s pregnant. I couldn’t believe it, so now we’re at the hospital, baby is born and she doesn’t let me sign the birth certificate? I’m like ok? I buy a bunch of things for the baby once they’re home and she doesn’t take them even though she requested those things. She says the baby has eczema so I can’t see him? All these things just made me think the baby wasn’t mine. Excuse after excuse it was pretty ridiculous. I was depressed, thinking I’ll never be anything, never get a good job. I started doing drugs, drinking a lot, and people were calling me a dead beat dad when they didn’t know my situation. I ran away to a new city and had to make a new life. I went to college, got an apartment, eventually got a associates degree.

3 years passed until I finally saw pictures of my son where I saw he looked exactly like me. I made an effort to see him and mom (A) would let me see him at the park for a few hours until I could finally tell him I was his dad. He gave me the biggest hug and I will never forget it. Makes my throat knot up just typing it. His birthday was coming up so I wanted him to meet my family, meaning my siblings and mother. Well mom(A) was not having that. Instead she threw a fit when my family stepped out of the car threatening to leave etc. My family and my son had a great time. He got gifts and he had fun, after all he’s only 3. After that day mom(A) ignored me and blocked me from everything. I was finally starting to build a relationship and she took it just like that. 3 months later, after a lot of investigating and a lot of homework, I served her and took her to court. I won visitation, first supervised with grandma and then without her. Let me tell you, those visitations with grandma probably deserve it’s own thread. I had to drive every other weekend 8hrs round trip to see my son. It was nice getting to see him and spend time with him.

When I moved to this new city to start this “new life” I wasn’t sure what I was going to get into. I was a mess at the time and just wanted to party. This place made me grow up and also is where I met mom (N). When mom (N) was pregnant I didn’t believe it from the beginning. How could I? I was dumb and had just gone through that other mess with mom (A) 3 years ago. Eventually, I did visit the baby and she let me come over and feed the baby etc. Unfortunately, this city was no longer a ideal place for me to live since I couldn’t afford it anymore. I was placed on child support from mom (A) and everything where I was living was expensive. I left and was immature about the situation, eventually mom (N) served me and took me to court. She asked for child support and visitation since I wasn’t attempting to see the baby, but this was after I had moved back.

So now I’m in this city where I threw my party, mom (A) has me on child support with every other weekend visitations and mom (N) has me on child support with one visitation a month. I have a girlfriend who I think is the one, and at this point you should know my luck with women, nonexistent. My ex(gf) gets pregnant, let’s call her mom(V).

Mom(V) is pregnant and living with me, but we just can’t seem to get along. One night we argue and she decides she wants to leave. Well she doesn’t have a license, she’s pregnant, and I really didn’t want her to leave. Well yeah, bad mistake, I grabbed her by the arm and she fell to the ground. Middle of the night, I wake up, mom(V) is gone and two police officers are now taking me to jail. A day or two later I get served court orders regarding my son with mom (A) saying my visitations have been taken away immediately.
I go to court and there they are, mom(A), the mother of mom(A), and mom(V) all in the lobby of the courthouse talking about who knows what. I take a picture of them and just am amazed and confused. All of them testify against me but since my case for the arrest with mom (V) is ongoing they take my kid away.

Mom(V) puts a restraining order on me and does not end up showing up to any of the criminal court dates, only gets granted a restraining order since there is a criminal case on me. So now I have a criminal case, a restraining order through the criminal case, a restraining order through family court that mom (V) put in and all these other family cases with mom (A) and mom (N).

So what do I decide to do? Sounds crazy, but I served mom(V) and took her to court. I figured, since I have all the experience now might as well get it done early. It came back and bit me in the ass! Mom (V) told the judge the baby was not mine and that she had been cheating on me for a few months. The judge asked to get a DNA test but no body would accept me since she had a restraining order against me and all the doctors didn’t want to get involved. On top of everything the DNA was like $400 and as you may tell I am not that financially stable. I left it as is and walked away. I can walk away knowing I tried this time and I went and put in the effort.

Later that year, I got all my charges dropped, everything off my record, got both restraining orders taken away, I took anger management classes even when they weren’t required but I definitely impressed the judge. I got my son back, everything I wanted and requested, the judge granted. Mom(A) was pissed. Both my kids got to meet each other and build a bond. At the end of the day, I never blamed the kids. I wish the other moms were more like mom(N). She’s the chill co parent that works around my things and understands my situation with the other kids and moms.

A few years have passed and my kids get to share their own room, I have my own apartment, I have a steady job, I see my oldest every other weekend and my middle child once a month, I’m really just here for them. I recently messaged mom(V) and we’re supposed to meet at some police station to talk about things and maybe get me to visit my other kid. All I want in life is for my kids to grow up and know their siblings. I want to be there for them till they’re old and until I’m old. I want to guide them, I want to be a good dad and even though I’m not perfect, I will always try to give them everything I didn’t have. And not materialistically. Just a father, a father that gives a shit about them. As for dating, I think I’m older and more wise now. I believe I can handle a relationship I’m just a little scared, but can you blame me? Lol If you read through all of this, I thank you for reading my story and if you have any suggestions or comments, feel free, just please try not to be rude I’m sensitive af lol

“Every man gets two lives and the second one starts when he realizes he only has one.”
@katrina2017 There’s a lot of details in this story that weren’t said mostly because it’s too much info to type but I’ve been redeeming myself. Mom (V) lied to the police about many things on the report which is why I got arrested and which is why she never showed up to court. Not sure what else I could’ve done that was shitty but I’d like to know, really.
@dvina it's in the past.

Some people are horrible and will lie about the most messed up shit, like her.

If I was going to say anything it would reveille around repeated bad decisions.

and 400 dollars... if 400 stood between me and my child, I'd have it in 5 minutes one way or another.
@dvina All I want to say is it seems like you are very self aware and that is a great thing. As I read about baby mama one I hope you understand that you were clearly raped! Not a lot of people like to shed light on men getting raped but it’s clear that is exactly what happened, as for your story don’t be ashamed of any of it! It is who you are! Everyone fucks up when their young, some more than others but it shapes you and it’s your story! The fact that you stepped up to be a dad to your three kids good for you! You should be proud of where you are now and also keep striving to be the best version of you for you and those kids.... take your time on the next relationship because you clearly are bad at choosing them, get to know them, meet their family, nothing needs to be rushed... really getting to know the person before getting into any type of situation again it normally takes 4 years to get to know someone’s real character. Keep improving, keep moving forward and doing better, you got this! Also be careful whose advice you take.... some of these youngins on Reddit are 20 something and some haven’t been through enough shit in their lives yet to even comment or judge someone else’s experience so take everything with a grain of salt.
@dvina Wait was the kid from mom V your kid or no?

I hope things get better fir you but I also hoped you get DNA test for the other ones as well. Just in case especially since the first one didn't want ur name on the birth certificate.
@dvina Gosh Darn it! I appear incapable of organizing my thoughts into a coherent sentence.

However, I think i may have seen your example occur once or twice in my life.

I hope you don't let others hold judgment over you.

Later, Gator.
@dvina I'm actually a 43yo single mom, but thanks for thinking I have my shit together enough to pass as a dude!

There was a time I would get into endless battles on-line about how not all women are bitches. Blah. Blah. Blah.

Then, one day I had a revelation... Arguing to prove I wasn't like that, actually made the epitome of what I was claiming to not be. It is such a cheesy line, but "Be the change you want to see in the world". I stopped trying to prove I was awesome sauce and let the world decide for itself.

In your situation, you have a lot of marks against you. That isn't an insult, it is brutal honesty. People are going to judge you for mistakes made without considering how much harder your life is to turn around. They should be showing empathy.

You are not the man you were. Do your best to not let your past define your future.

It's a lot like debt. Some people get into deep credit card debt or are upside down on loans or whatever. A lot of people just whine and think it is "unfair" how much more difficult it is to get by. They look for quick fixes that temporarily patch the problem, but doesn't fix the main issue.

You are acknowledging you have massive karmic debt. The best way to get out of it is to keep making minimum payments. It will take a long time, but in the end you will be able to take pride in the fact YOU fought your way out.

As per my comment last night, I have seen a lot of guys get taken to the cleaners by baby mamas. My ex happens to be an asshole, but that doesn't mean all men are.

Similarly, there are plenty of women with zero qualms about fuxking up a man's life to get what they want. Assholes are non-binary.

Keep fighting the good fight. Prove to the world you are not the man they all assume you to be.

It is easy to get overwhelmed looking at the big picture, so set realistic goals for how you will get there.

I truly wish you the best of luck on your journey.