My child (8) keeps saying “It made me do it!”


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So for context.

In the last I’d say month my kid keeps acting out, BAD!!
Peeing on the couch when the bathroom was free, putting salt and also peeing in a tea pitcher full of tea, spending $40 on the PS store within 10 minutes, just all around acting out. I mean, there is more. These are just the most notable.
The most recent is the tea pitcher. The conversation always goes:
Me: Why did you do that???
Kid: It just keeps making me do it!!
Me: What is it???
Kid: Myself!! (Followed by uncomprehendable words [he doesn’t speak well])
Me:Kid why did you do that?!
Kid: I didn’t want to use the restroom!!!!

Sometimes his reasoning is it’s all in his head and he just can’t get it out or he just can’t stop thinking about it, etc. The blame is never on himself but basically he couldn’t help it.
I’m worried. I don’t know if he’s acting out because of his mom not being here. She lives over 1000 miles away and they FaceTime once a week. Or if this is a much more serious problem...?
@innerinnocence If you're worried about your child bring him to the doctor/a medical professional. At 8 years old he shouldn't be peeing anywhere as a form of acting out, is there any chance he has a UTI or even ADHD, especially as you say its for attention? Does he have any caffeinated drinks? Constipation can also cause children to wet themselves. Maybe he's not going to the bathroom frequently enough or fully emptying his bladder. Also, this is less likely but I feel I should mention it, wetting yourself as a child can also be a sign of abuse so have an open talk with him if you think there's even a 1% chance something has happened to him.

I don't know what to say about his claim that "it made me do it" but I think children have very active imaginations especially at this age and he could very well be acting out because he misses his mum. Definitely seek professional advice and get some support now before the behavioural issues get any worse.