My 7 month old has me so defeated right now


New member
Usually H is such a good girl. Happy little babe, only cries when she’s hungry or tired or wants to be held.
She’s hit milestone after milestone and is very advanced for her age.
She’s breastfed every couple hours.
We have to co sleep or I wouldn’t ever rest- it’s been like this since day one.
The past month, however we have been IN THE TRENCHES!
September 11, she got her two bottom teeth.
November 28, she began crawling and literally the next week was doing baby squats on toys and boxes and pulling up on things.. she wants to walk so bad.
We have started baby led weaning and she’s eating so well.
We have a routine , she naps 3/4 times a day just fine with no problems.
But at night y’all. The past month, and ESPECIALLY the last week has been SO SO BAD.
She falls asleep normally at night, then 20 min to an hour into sleepin she starts wining and crying LIKE LOUD like something is wrong.
Sometimes giving her the boob will make her stop but again this week, it’s not hardly working that way.
She’s visibly asleep and in pain or something
She doesn’t even wake up sometimes when I pick her up.. I’ve tried not messing with her trying to sooth her by talking or singing, or patting her back to sleep. I’ve tried feeding, I’ve given more meds, she like clenches her eyes like something bothers her. Sometimes she thrashes around and throws her arms and legs.
She doesn’t seem to have gas, she’s pottying mormal, the doctor doesn’t seem to be concerned…
We’ve been trying Camilla teething drops, hylands and Talbots tablets, Tylenol, Motrin, pumpkin butt oil, and Rowe casa garlic drops in the ears
My mind was thinkin teething or an ear infection
Every now and then you catch her pullin at her left ear.
I’m miserable.
I’m getting irritable and overwhelmed due to lack of rest
I don’t really have a lot of help over here
Any insight would be so helpful
Happy new year everyone !
@godisagardener How long are her naps during the day? 3/4 naps seems to be a bit too much. Maybe she is just too well rested from her day naps that she doesn’t have any sleep pressure at night?
I know every baby is different, but that’s the only thing that’s comes to my mind.

Hang in there, I hope this phase passes soon. Being sleep deprived is the worst for our mental health.

EDIT: my son is 7 months adjusted. He takes 2 naps a day each varies (1.5-2h each on good days), I always give him a bigger wake window from last nap to bed time. Usually 3.5-4h so he has pressure for his sleep. He sleeps great at night almost through the night, wakes up 1 or maybe 2 some nights he sleeps all the way through.
Bed time varies 7-8p he wakes up for the day by 730a.
@lohman446 I agree. At 7 months my son had dropped down to 2 naps and no more than 2 hours total of nap sleep during the day. That ensures he’s well tired by evening and sleeps a good 5-7 hour stretch first.
@godisagardener Lol, are you me two months ago? Try dropping a nap down to 2/3 per day. Many would advocate for sleep training at this age. We co-slept and boobed-soothed to sleep and at one year he’s waking up every 3 hours at night. First half in crib, second half co-sleeping. We’re tired AF and about to start sleep training (as gently as possible). First you need to stop feeding her to sleep. Feed before you start the bed time routine. Adjust your routine activities such that she’s getting visibly tired (rock, walk, sing, etc or a combination). If you need to give her a bit of boob to help soothe her go for it but don’t let that be the last thing you do in the routine before putting her in the crib. When our LO squirms during rocking/walking in the dark it means he wants to be put down - but then lots of shush and bum pats. If he gets worked up again I pick him up until he calms/squirms and then repeat. Obviously there’s no perfect formula but I hope you find what works for y’all