My 4.5 year old is acting out in Pre-K


New member
Earlier this week my wife received a phone call from our child's new Pre-K teacher(of 2 weeks). The teacher asked how our child was doing at home because he was fidgety and saying "no" in class. We said home life was good and mutually agreed that it would be worked on and was probably growing pains of a new school environment in addition to a new little brother this past July. However, today the teacher wrote again. She let us know that our child was defiant, disruptive, and "showed his bare bottom" at recess. I'm at a loss for words and am wondering if anyone else has experienced this or has any recommendations/insights. FWIW he was enrolled in an institutional preschool prior to Pre-K
@blackbeltapple It’s because you had your new baby back in July. I was a pre k teacher for a few years and every time a new baby was introduced in the family the other child reverted back a few months to a year. It’s very common. Tips are online for how to get your child back on track after a new baby.
@allmytrustinjesus Thanks for your response! We didn't notice a huge difference at home with his behavior after his little brother arrived. He's a loving, caring, and helpful older brother. However, you're right, we did notice some behavioral changes at preschool.

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