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I’m 4 weeks into nursing my 2nd baby. Today I noticed my letdown was painful, and joked about it. In the evening my back, shoulders and muscles started to ache and hurt. I had pumped today b/c I had a bottle to feed my daughter. I got 4oz from one breast in 10min (what I thought would be the affected breast). So it doesn’t seem like a clog!…
However the aches got worse and breast pain pretty awful. No lumps or red marks. Temp is 100.5 now. O do have chills and nausea…
Does this sound like mastitis?
I’ll be calling my dr first thing in the morning.
@twhladyinlv Yes, absolutely could be. I’ve heard of what I’ll call silent mastitis, where you don’t see the clog but get the fever-type symptoms. Also, I was told that a lactating mother who shows those symptoms is assumed to have mastitis, like their go-to is to treat it as mastitis. Mastitis can progress rapidly but meanwhile is usually quickly cured with antibiotics, so the doctors don’t like to take chances.
@melanieg Yes, OP, please go get checked out! Last time I had mastitis I went from feeling mostly okay in urgent care (just fever and chills) to getting transferred to ED with a 180 heart rate in the span of an hour. It can progress and become dangerous super quickly. Better safe than sorry!
@twhladyinlv I just got over mastitis. I felt like I was getting the flu with a painful boob. Call your OB/gyno and tell them. Within the first day of meds I felt back to normal.
@twhladyinlv Yes. I usually feel those symptoms before actually seeing red. It really sucks. I’ve had it now three times I think? I was producing more milk than little one was drinking. Now we seem fine and balanced. She’s 4 1/2 months but I think we evened out at 3 1/2?

I would pump in the shower and just try to have her feed on that side more during the day. A sak warmer or something like that helps as well as a breast massager. For when I couldn’t get antibiotics right away I was told to mix Tylenol and ibuprofen. 🤷‍♀️ (I am not a dr, consult your dr first)

Edit: couldn’t get antibiotics right away a couple times as my symptoms would happen and progress when pharmacies were closed, or at least the one I used would be closed. Really inconvenient that way.

Edit #2: your drs office or OB should have an on call Dr. mine did and I told them about symptoms and they would put in request as soon as pharmacies opened so I didn’t have too long a wait in the morning.
@maish Thank you! It’s pretty hard to find a 24hr pharmacy right now and it’s almost 2am. Tylenol has helped tremendously and I’m nursing every 2-3hrs to be sure I empty for now. Will definitely call tomorrow at 8am but it’s Saturday so I’ll have to call the on call Dr. thank you!!!!
Thank you everyone! Tylenol has helped so far but I’ll call first thing in the morning (it’s almost 2am now). Feeding every 2hrs to help keep milk coming out and will hopeful get antibiotics in the am. I guess even if it wasn’t mastitis they wouldn’t hurt!

The breast pain got less w/ Tylenol as did the aches and pains so hopefully I can get some sleep.

Thank you!!