mastitis x 3


New member
Hellooooo I’m feeling defeated. My baby is 10ish weeks and I’ve been exclusively pumping and bottle feeding. This weekend I got diagnosed with mastitis in the same breast for a third time in 8 weeks. I take sunflower lectin pills, I pump every 3 hours, I change my bra pads a few times a day. Has this happened to anyone else? I really want to keep breastfeeding for the immunity benefits AND we invested in a very pricey portable pump and I’m simply not wanting to give up. (Also formula is so expensive). Looking for similar stories that end in success (🤞🏼🤞🏼) and/or tips!

**the only thing different this time around is that i cut out the middle of the night feeding; and i did this by weening out of it (pumped the first few nights for the usual 20 min, then a few nights for 15 min, few nights for 10 and then a few nights at 5)
@alia25 Have you checked your flanges for the proper size? Are they too large or small? Additionally, are you sanitizing your pump daily (if not after every pump)? I know it’s all a pain and you may well do all of this. I started sanitizing after every pump just out of an abundance of caution with mastitis. I’m so sorry you’re going through this
@alia25 Are you able to get a breastmilk culture? I’ve read that can help determine what bacteria strain is the issue and then your Dr can pick the right antibiotic to clear it. Also highly recommend taking probiotics, look for lactation specific strains and take the max dose. So sorry you’re dealing with this, I had mastitis once and then have struggled with recurrent clogs & inflammation. The “happy ducts” herbal tincture seems to work really well for me for clearing the clogs (+ lots of ice)