Leave after new job?


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I joined a new company in May, and am planing to get pregnant soon. When I go out on maternity leave, I will have only been at this company for 1.5 years. Will people judge me for that? Other people have been at the company longer. I wasn’t planning on changing jobs at this point in my career, but it was the result lf a layoff. I’m worried my coworkers will resent me
@jewish_inquirer I got pregnant within a month of starting my new job via IVF, so very much was trying. No one has judged me. There is a man who started two months or so ago who is going on paternity leave shortly after me who is in HR. I wasn’t going to change jobs because the paternity leave at my last was so good, but I was so unhappy and didn’t get pregnant as soon as I thought I might. I’m so glad I changed so that I could love my work again and pregnancy flew! I’m not 38w and will be on leave any day now!

Good luck with your pregnancy journey! I hope you have an easy time, but definitely no need to wait to start because it isn’t always fast.