Late period


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My bf and I had an unprotected sex on 12/12/2023. I believe my I wasn’t ovulating and not my fertile window as well. I usually take a birth control but we were away for a few months and stopped taking the pill. Took it right after we were done doing the deed.

Now, my cycle is usually regular. Last month I had my period on 11/20/23 and was supposed to have my period yesterday but it hasn’t come yet. I’m a bit worried and I’m now 2 days late. I’m feeling a cramps randomly that goes back away and a lower backpain which is usually my PMS symptoms. No tender/swollen breast as of the moment. Should K take a PT now or wait a few more days?

I’m 22 and working but not really ready to have a baby. I’d be fucked. I just usually get delayed 1-2 days so i’m really worried.
@treyarch1 The combination pill works by stopping ovulation. As a result, you do not have a cycle or a natural period while taking it. The monthly bleed people usually get is caused by the drop in hormones while taking the placebos (or, if you have a 21 day pill pack, during the 7 day break between packs). Assuming you took your birth control as directed (1 pill per day, starting with the first pill in a fresh pack), you’re not taking your placebos yet, so it’s not time for your “period.” So you haven’t missed anything yet!

Unless you were tracking your cycle using daily temperatures, cervical mucus, etc., it’s hard to know for sure if you were or were not at risk of pregnancy when you had unprotected sex. Tracking apps/ the calendar method is based on averages and most people vary from the average in some way.

Birth control also does not prevent pregnancy in the past. It only prevents pregnancy after you take it, and it’s effective starting when you take the 8th pill in your pack.

A pregnancy test can turn positive starting 14 days after sex and a negative test is definitive starting 21 days after sex.
@mufudzi Usually, you take the pill on the first day of your period. In my case, I didn't have my period for this month yet when I took the pill. But I tracked down my cycle and it surely wasn't my ovulation day or fertile window. Since my first day usually starts every 21st of the month and took the pill right after what happened on the 12th with the unprotected sex. So, would that affect or mess up my regular monthly cycle?

I'm sorry if I'm asking too many questions. This is the very first time as well I took the pill while I am not on my period. I took it out of emergency since we really didn't have any protection and have been diligently taking it since then.

PS: I just stopped taking briefly the combo pill for only more than a month. Just around the time that we were away from each other.
@treyarch1 Don’t worry about asking lots of questions!! I’m happy to help.

The only reason it’s recommended to start taking the pill during your period is because it’s effective immediately if you start taking it during your period. That’s it — it has nothing to do with the timing of the placebos or anything like that.

Like I said, you don’t have a cycle while taking combo birth control. So your cycle isn’t really “messed up,” it just doesn’t exist. You should not be taking your placebos yet, so unless you’re taking your pills in the wrong order, you’re not yet due for a monthly bleed. The last 4 or 7 pills in your pack are the placebo pills (they’re a different color than the active pills).

About the risk of pregnancy: How were you tracking ovulation? Was it just time-based (tracking app/ calendar method) or were you using other methods such as temperature, ovulation strips, cervical mucus, etc.? Additionally, you generally cannot rely on fertility awareness until at least 3 months after you stop taking birth control, as that’s about how long it takes for your cycle to normalize after stopping hormonal birth control.

Another important aspect of FAM is that you’re only guaranteed safe when you have sex after ovulation. Having unprotected sex before ovulation could be risky because sperm lives up to 5-6 days and you could ovulate sooner than expected. Did you have sex before or after ovulation?

And as I said, birth control does NOT prevent pregnancy from unprotected sex that occurred before you began taking birth control. It takes 7 full days for birth control to begin preventing pregnancy (unless you start taking it during the first 5 days of your period, which you didn’t). Any unprotected sex before you took the 8th active pill can result in pregnancy.

If you’re ever in a situation like this again, take emergency contraception as soon as you can after sex. It’s great that you resumed taking birth control after you became sexually active again, but it’s not a replacement for emergency contraception.
@mufudzi I just tracked my ovulation based on my tracking app/calendar method. I also had sex after ovulation. It's just my anxiety that made me panic and I'm so thankful for all of the information that you provided. This made my mind put on ease.

Also, I wish we had the emergency contraception available in our country. That's also the reason why I just opted to take regular birth control pill right after since that's the most convenient pill I can have my hands on right away.
@treyarch1 Ah, are you in the Philippines? I know that plan b and ella aren’t available there.

However, plan b isn’t the only type of emergency contraception! Copper IUDs are highly effective at preventing pregnancy when placed within 5 days of unprotected sex, although the sooner it’s placed, the more effective it is. You can find more info about the copper IUD here. Copper IUDs are legal in the Philippines, but I don’t know how accessible they are.

Your other option is the yuzpe method, which involves taking multiple birth control pills at a time. You take 2 doses of birth control pills 12 hours apart. Each dose consists of the number of pills necessary to have at least 0.1 mg of ethinyl estradiol and either 0.5 mg of levonorgestrel or 1 mg of norgestrel. You can find more info about the yuzpe method here. Like the copper IUD, this method can work up to 5 days after unprotected sex, but works better the sooner it’s used. The yuzpe method is less effective than other forms of emergency contraception, but it’s better than nothing!
@mufudzi Yes, I'm from the PH. I've tried to look abt copper IUD but that's just a bit costly for me as of the moment. Well, costly if you're gaining normal salary wage. Will keep that in mind though and should definitely switch to that option moving forward. I'm still considered pretty young and usually frowned upon by elderly if you're already having sexual activities with someone at this age. That's also one reason why I keep changing my mind to change birth control method, I'm just afraid I might get judged.

Abt the yuzpe method, I just heard of that but will surely be taking note of it. Not that I plan on having sexual activity anytime soon but this interaction has been really informative. Thank you so much!

And for all of my girlies out there reading this, it's ironic coming from me but please do not get swayed by how you feel at the heat of the moment and take precautionary measures regularly if you're active. This has been a lesson learned for me and my partner. Pray for me to all the gods out there. T_T