Late period but negative tests


New member
Hey y'all. I've had unprotected sex (pullout) 01/22. Took a plan B on the same day 'cause I was freaking out. Since then, I've had protected sex 3 more times (2 in which he didn't ajeaculate even with a condom on). Nothing else unprotected, besides dry humping (no penetration). I have pretty irregular cycles but normally get my period around the 9th-17th day of the month. On 02/07 I had clear cervical mucus, the egg white kind. I wonder if maybe plan b ended up delaying my ovulation or something. Now I have some PMS symptoms (bloathing, sore nipples, irritability, intestinal issues), but I'm still paranoid they are actually pregnancy related, because on top of all, I'm peeing a lot. Tested 3 times again yesterday after 3 other tests last week, so now 24 days after unprotected sex, and they all came up negative. I'm still not convinced because the tests took a while for some reason, maybe more than 3 min and I'm wondering if I took them right. I did a 4 hour pee hold, and peed on all of them instead of dipping (they were 4 Clearblue quick response and 2 pharmacy generic brand pink dye ones). My last period was 01/09. I'm currently 7 days late. Should I be concerned?
@findingoneinus No. Your tests are negative, meaning you are not pregnant from sex on the 22nd of Jan. It also means your period is not late, you just ovulated later than you’re assuming
@findingoneinus The tests are almost 30 days after you had unprotected sex. You also stated that you’ve taken 6 tests. There is no way that 6 tests, almost 30 days later would be inaccurate. Honest (no offense, I promise) you’ve asked this same question over and over again, and people are telling you the same thing. At this point, I would suggest you going to see a doctor and having them draw blood so they can tell you it’s also negative and you can move on and stop letting this stress you out but honestly if you tell the doctor the same thing, they’ll probably tell you that you’re not and not want to draw blood. Plan B is known to throw off cycles, literally it’s written inside the box.