late 8 days or more (irregular period)


New member
Hi yall. im 19y(f) basically the monday after easter on april 2nd i got food poisoning/stomach flu so i threw up one day and had nausea and diarrhea that whole week w severe stomach pains like when food was bad n just didn’t sit right. . once i got better i decided to take a test because i was getting anxious thinking it could be pregnancy symptoms and it came out negative, i took 3 tests all negative (took the pink line test and the digital one as well) . last time i got my period was march 11th and it ended the 16th. the period tracker app says im 13 days late but that app is never accurate so i never rely on it. i don’t have any symptoms but im really scared bc i just haven’t gotten my period . took a test a few days ago as well n it also came out negative . Do you guys know if being ill(stomach flu/food poisoning) could cause a late or missed period? or should i take another test? all the tests i’ve taken have come out negative . i did start cramping 2 days ago so im hoping i j ovulated late and my period is coming soon?? idk helpp please!!
@captainfaris Negative tests mean that you're late because you ovulated late and that your symptoms are not from pregnancy.

Being ill indeed can delay ovulation. Ovulation can get delayed by a long list of resons or without reason at all.

Tests are reliable 14+ and definitive 21+ days after sex.
@captainfaris OPKs alone can't tell exactly you when you ovulate. The only way to pinpoint ovulation is combination of PKS and BBT tracking. Also testss are definitive 21+ days after sex, so you're definitely not pregnant from sex that happened on March 20