Large yolk sac at 7.4 anyone?


New member
I’ve been uneventfully spotting for 10 days now; had a sono today and HB and CRL are in range but yolk sac diameter was 5.5 - which is enlarged. Mix of studies say chromosomal defects or impending loss but obviously you never know until and if mc happens. HB is right on track at 148 with 7 weeks 4 days.
Anyone here also with enlarged yolk sac by any chance?
I’d really love to finally make it out of my first trimester hell with pregnancy #5 and no personal live births. 😫🙏🏻

Update 9.5 days baby on track yolk sac measuring 5 inside to inside and so far alive on this sono - did nIPT today

Update: 11 weeks NIPT is normal NT scan is next

35 weeks currently

Update: baby born perfect at 39 weeks via elective c by choice ❤️ my first live birth after 5 losses
@glenn62 I’m in the same limbo! I did IVF with a euploid embryo so I’ve had a lot of scans. 6+3 my yolk sac was only 2.8mm. 7+2 it grew rapidly to 4.8mm. Yesterday was my 8+2 scan and it’s a mega yolk sac at 8.8mm. The HB and CRL look on track. My RE has unfortunately told me there’s a very high likelihood of miscarriage and large yolk is a sign of chromosomal abnormalities, which is frustrating because my embryo is genetically tested. I’ve been mentally preparing for MC since my 2nd beta though because it was extremely slow rising.

I will say I think mine is clearly a poor prognosis because it’s growing extremely rapidly. Last week when I was at 4.8mm I was slightly concerned but read success stories with yolk sacs in the 5-6mm range. So I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you, I know the waiting game is the worst part but I hope you have another upcoming scan that can give you answers.
@glenn62 Ugh how full circle is that? I’m sorry. I swear I have an IVF bingo card and I’m just checking off all the worst case scenarios.

I’ve definitely read positive stories below 7mm so I wouldn’t lose hope yet if I were you. Plus your growth isn’t as fast. It could easily even stay below 6mm by your next scan. Whereas at this point I probably won’t even blink an eye if I go in and my yolk sac has grown to the size of my baby lol.

But I feel you. The waiting sucks SO MUCH. And when fertile friends ask how it’s going and I’m like “well my yolk sac is big” they’re like what’s a yolk sac? Because like you said, their pregnancies are smooth sailing! Must be nice. This will be my 2nd MC and I’m already traumatized. I’m so sorry for all the heartbreak you must’ve been through.
@glenn62 I had no clue what a yolk sac was til.last night! I had my first scan and i guess it's large but they didn't even tell me a size and I didn't ask bc well I don't know about any of this!! So I don't have much to add, but I hope everything goes OK for you. I started googling and I'm just so worried and sad now. I'm 8 weeks according to LMP but measured 7 week 1 day.
@alexisfaith27 You know what’s weird, lol is I answered this question for someone a year ago and here I am in the same damn place.
So actually mine was 3mm at 5.5 and it’s 5.5 at 7.3 so that’s kind of fast as well to grow but I’m finding these incidentals on some posts that turned out ok. The OP of this post and another person who had 7-8 below gave birth so we just fucking sit here like sitting ducks with too much ivf trauma and wait and see…. As usual…… again…..

I am asking same question I answered damn, that is some weird stuff lol
@glenn62 My yolk sac measured 5.3 last Monday, and she didn’t even measure the sac this past Monday—my RE wasn’t at all concerned about it, said everything looked perfect. Discharged us, gave us hugs, etc. Meanwhile, i just read through my discharge paperwork while submitting it to my new OB and caught the measurement and went bananas. I’ve spent the entire day spiraling.

I’m going back to the RE tomorrow morning to see what the deal is, and why she discharged me .
@billtr How far along were you? I’m trying to stay positive since it’s “borderline high” still and I’ve read successs stories but fml. Keep me updated. My sono is Friday and I’ll be 9.5 that day and will also be doing the nipt. I’m terrified.
@glenn62 So I had a panic scan this morning and the yolk sac measured in at 3.99 (?!?!)—I am 7w2d (allegedly from my 5 week scan) but measuring at 6w5d with a 149 heartbeat. They are not concerned with the rate of growth, I’m trying not to be.

No idea how I went from 5.3mm at that first scan to 3.99mm today—do they shrink?! Was she just off? In any case, my RE office doesnt blink at anything over 6mm, so I’m just trying to roll with it.

I really hope it all works out for you.
@billtr Yea she may have measured it wrong the first time or something they can’t shrink yet and doesn’t go away until week 11 or so. Well I’m glad it looks ok now! I have my sono tomorrow and I’m 50%\50 on how I feel about it
@glenn62 I was 100% negative this morning, I understand. Did your doctors bring it up? I’ve seen 5mm as the cutoff, 5.5 as the cutoff, 6mm (my doctors view) and even 7mm.

Sending good thoughts your way.
@billtr Yea so have I - at first I read everything as like a 5mm cut off and panicked then found some other measurements cut offs - the doc didn’t say anything about it and when I asked said well it’s not over 6 but what are they going to say when there’s a hb and all else looks ok so it’s such a grey area but I remain cautious. I almost cancelled the sono next week bc what’s the point - I need the 12 week NT scan to say if anything is wrong anyway. Ugh limbo sucks ass
@glenn62 Totally understand. If it’s not one thing it’s another it seems. Happy to hear growth is right on track. Thinking of you tomorrow!! Let us know how it goes.