L4/L5 1mm bulge L5/S1 4mm left lateral


New member
At 4M postpartum I injured my back lifting weights. Painful walking, couldn’t sit, lift baby for couple weeks. Started cat/cow, bird dog, cobra, side plank to improve mobility and core strength. Now 6 months PP and wondering how I can work on lower body/leg strength without injuring myself again. I’d also like to have more kids in the future. Anyone dealt with this and had a strong/active pregnancy? Lift weights again?
@rivka73 Have you seen a physical therapist? If not, I’d start there. If you have and you were discharged, I’d message them through whatever app they use and ask if they can send recommendations. My pelvic floor PT invited me to message her with any relatively simple questions like that.

In your case, I’d ask just a few broad and simple questions:
1. Are there exercises I should avoid? Equipment I should use?
2. Is there a “warning sign” I should look out for to be sure I’m not overdoing it?
3. If/when I get pregnant again, should I request a PT referral right away, or wait for mild symptoms?

If you haven’t done PT, though, I’d start there for sure. They can evaluate your core strength, identify weaknesses and concerns, look at your exercise goals, and help you ensure proper form when lifting , etc. It doesn’t sound like you need lots of intensive physical therapy, but you’ll get more benefit from 1-5 session of hands on evaluation and exercises with a trained professional than from trying on your own. They can help you avoid reinjury and ensure that you’re doing the types of things that are most likely to benefit your sustained core stability.
@rivka73 Pt + tens unit is the way. Only lift with supervision. I had my pt there til my disc fixed itself, closed chain exercises only for weights, graduated to some free weights.