
So my just turned 3 year old was asleep when I got home last night, so I drew him a big heart with "love" in all caps in the middle to see when he wakes up this morning (on vtech sketch toy).

When he saw it, I asked him what shape that was. He replied instead by saying "L-O-V-E... spells Loooove" and then turned away to play with his toys, like NBFD.

I am so proud of him right now. He loves learning, so he knows his alphabet and all the sounds they make, can recite them forwards and backwards (he does this on his own for fun lol), knows his numbers mostly to 100, his shapes, his colors, and now he's learning words on his own. Kids really do grow up so freak'n fast. He was a late late talker through speech therapy, but now I think it's just because he was interested in other things. :)
@peacewarriordebra Wow he sounds really smart!! You must be so proud of him. My girl will turn three in a month and she’s nowhere near this level but I know how it feels when they all of a sudden know a new thing and the intense pride and joy you can feel!🥰