L.O. is 15MO and won't say a word


New member
Should I be worried? She won't point either. She makes sounds like "a da da" and "a wa wa", but not a single "mama", "dada" or anything of the short. Where I live there is no early intervention, so I'll have to wait until she's 18MO for a proper developmental evaluation.
Mommas, do you have consoling stories for me?
@moncus My guy was really delayed on pointing but I realized I didn’t model it a lot so we worked on that and he picked it up eventually. My guy has been on the low end of normal for word count app along so I don’t have any advice there other than read together a lot and narrate what you are doing when you are around her, they pick up so much in repetition, my guy is a year older but he pointed to his bib and said “Mario” the other day because we’ve been saying it a lot. He doesn’t have a lot of spoken words so it was a big deal. We also introduced signs, early we did eat, more, all done, and thank you, and have expanded from there
@moncus If she's making sounds she's on track! You can follow speech therapy Instagrams that show how to model language. Just keep talking to them as if they're a grown person. The babbles might even count as words depending on the context