Kendamil Organic - changes that were made?


New member
What changes were made to Kendamil organic??
We have been using it for our LO. We noticed the changes in labeling and got concerned. Upon googling and searching Reddit we found some differences. We cross checked with the formula jars we have.

We are in USA btw.

Here are the changes we found:
  1. Label changes (some are covered below too)
  2. No longer says UK made. Says European made.
  3. Now it’s for 0-12 months. Not the previous 0-6.
  4. Says infant formula not infant milk on label.
  5. No mention of Lake District.
  6. Ferrous sulphate seems to be choice for iron content. Same iron levels though.
  7. Some new oils (in
@lindsey35atl I've "noticed" my baby spitting up more than usual when the label changes were made, I later purchased direct from UK then after my 6 cans from UK were done, I tried again the same batch from when the initial label changes occurred that I haven't opened yet and baby hasn't had any issues. If they did change the iron source it may take some babies time to adjust.

If you look up Dylan McMahon on Twitter (X), @Dylan_McM, he has a private video from June 17 discussing the changes to Kendamil label. The Kendamil Organic is still made in the same UK Factory, the Kendamil classic is made in Spain. I recently switched to the classic for the extra probiotics in it and baby is also doing fine.
@melkos Are you in the US? How were you able to purchase direct from UK? I want to use Kendamil’s RTF for the next baby but it’s not available in the states.