K or C names ending in ie, ee or y


New member
My girlfriend and I are still struggling to find names for our twin girls being born TODAY lol. We have a 1 year old daughter named Kylie, and we would like to stay with K’s or C’s as the first letter and ending in ie, ee or y. We’re basically dead set on the name Kamrie, spelled also Kamry or Kamree for one of the twins. However, we can’t for the life of us think or agree on a name for the second one. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, as her scheduled c-section is going to be in a few hours and I thought I’d give Reddit a try lol.
Thank you everyone for all the name suggestions! It really helped us narrow down are choices and ultimately come to a decision! As stated in my post, we chose Kamrie for Baby B. For baby A, we came up with Khaleesi (Ka-Lease- E). The spelling could be either Khaleesi, Khaleeci or Kahleyci. The twins are in the nicu healthy and doing great and we should hopefully have them home in 3-4 weeks!
@abeshea Some suggestions could be :

Kamrie and Cassie, Kamrie and Kenzie, Kamrie and Katie, Kamrie and Kasey, Kamrie and Kallie, Kamrie and Capri, Kamrie and Carlie
@abeshea Kimberly, Kourtney, Khloee,
ok but actually my suggestions are Cassidy, Capri, Callie, Calliope, doesn’t end in an E sound but I also love Cove