Just some quick questions regarding shopping for busy parents!


New member
Doing some background research for a project I am working on, and this seems like the perfect community to gather information from! I deeply apologize if this sort of content is not allowed in this subreddit, I am happy to take this down if it does not abide by a certain rule. I had originally set up a google form, but seeing as links are prohibited, I will create a sort of makeshift form here. Although I would greatly appreciate those who complete the entire survey, none are mandatory, so fill out as little or as many as you want. Thank you so much in advance.

#1: What is your age?

a) 20-30+

b) 31-40+

c) 41-50+

d) 51+

#2: What is your gender?

a) Male

b) Female

c) Prefer not to say

d) Other

#3: How often do you typically go shopping for household items (e.g., groceries, toiletries)?

a) Weekly

b) Biweekly

c) Monthly

d) Other

#4: On average, how much time do you spend on each shopping trip?

a) < 30 minutes

b) ~ 1 hour

c) ~1 Hour 30 Minutes

d) 2+ Hours

#5: How often do you find yourself running out of essential items (e.g., toilet paper, diapers)?

a) Weekly

b) Biweekly

c) Triweekly

d) Monthly

#6: What are the biggest challenges you face when it comes to shopping for household items?

a) The time it takes

b) finding the right product/brand

c) Knowing how much to buy

d) Other

#7: Have you ever used at-home grocery delivery services (i.e. from Costco, Target, etc.)

a) Yes

b) No

#8: How valuable would it be to have a solution that assists you in automating some of your household purchases?

a) Very Valuable

b) Somewhat Valuable

c) Indifferent

d) Not valuable

e) Worthless

#9: If the previous question appeals to you, are there any features you would look for in such a solution?

(free response)

#10: Any other Feedback?

(free response)

The responses will essentially work like this: If you answer "no" to question 7, you would put 7b. You can do this for every question you answer. For the "other" or "free response" questions, just put the question number, then your response.

Once again, thank you so much for any help you provide, I wish there was something I could provide in return. If anyone has any ideas, perhaps I could come up with something. Cheers.