Just reflecting


New member
Laying down tonight is a bit surreal in about 15mins it will be exactly 1year from that moment of ‘oh no’ 1:30am 4/23/23 I was trying to get to bed and I started to feel what I told myself were Braxton hix contractions, I couldn’t be in labor, I had a c/s scheduled two days from now and my baby is breech… after about 15mins of lying to myself both my cats, even the anti social one, jumped on my bed and looked at me like… they knew xD I remember asking them ‘is there something I need to know?’

Eventually I started timing them with an app which told me I should probably go in to get checked, obv it’s just an app and it can’t say for sure but it was sure enough that it thought a doctor should verify. Me being the anxiety bean I am goes ‘should I try to get some sleep and go in the morning? Will that be too long? What if I start active labor while my bub is breech…’ after consulting the wonderful mamas on r/babybumps who suggested I call the l&d nurse line they say to go ahead and come in…

I never did get to sleep my bub was born by C-section at 10:31am 6lbs8oz 19ins long and fully healthy, I on the other hand was fried by about 6pm xD

Now tonight as an omage to a year ago I am feeling those initial cramps that precede my period xD

This has been an absolutely crazy year, but I can’t say I’d trade her for anything :3 even a full nights sleep xD