Job Transition Advice


New member
Hullo all! By next month I'll be transitioning to a different shift with a new job. It's a 4 day a week, 2pm-1am shift WFH. (More money, better benefits, WFH, and it's finally a step in my preferred career path since covid thats going to provide my family a better life in the long run.)

My concern is this. I bedshare with my 10 month old and nurse to sleep.

While Dad doesn't have a problem with naps after a bottle and doing a contact nap, (hes even been able to get up while shes drowsy and shell just drift to sleep) we've never been successful with him getting her to bed. she just cries and screams until mommy(me) lies down with her. And he does most of the bed time routine already.

Any advice to ease my kiddo with this transition? I'm seriously scared we'll have to sleep train her. And I've been a huge antisleep train parent since the beginning. If it's the only option we end up having to use for all our sanity then I'll begrudgingly do it.

Also, she's in day care 5 days out of the week currently M-F. For about 7 hours. I'm still trying to figure out a schedule that will allow myself and my husband to get good sleep. My current job is m-f 7-2pm and his is 8-5. So, he would drop her off and I'd get her.

With the shift, it seems I'll drop her off and he'll get her. But do I push her bedtime later so she wakes later? So i can sleep? She sleeps 10 hours at night and 2-3 hours during the day. Sometimes 2 naps sometimes 3. Just depends, it's all on demand. If she goes to sleep at 10, my husband will get 8 hours, cause he'll sleep 10-6. And I can sleep 2-8 l, then do a nap with her later before I take her daycare.

That's ganna leave my husband with no free time during my work nights. And I feel like I'll disproportionately get more free time then he does. He's assured me it's fine, it's what he signed up for as a parent. My care taker personality feels so guilty though. I've tried to rationalize it that during my free time when she's in daycare I'll be cleaning and cooking to make up the slack since he won't be able to do that as much. Balance our home responsibilities. But again I get mom guilt because I feel like I'm being less of an attentive parent to my daughter.

I need this job, I need to push forward again with my career since the pandemic messed it up. But the sacrifices. Bah.

Anyways: TIA