IUD removal w/ anesthesia in U.S


New member
I got the Mirena IUD in summer 2021 and HATE it, I would have already gotten it removed if it weren't for the severe trauma and pain I underwent with the insertion procedure. I don't want to share details but it was extremely traumatic and I wholeheartedly regret my decision to get one. I want to get it removed but I can't go through that procedure again without anesthesia. Does anyone know of where in the U.S. one can get an IUD removed under anesthesia? I live in Michigan, if anyone in Michigan has experience with this please let me know!!
@toobam My GYN was really accommodating during my insertion and said we could do a numbing treatment first. He gave me two shots of lidocaine into my cervix, a little pinching and some time to wait, then I didn’t even feel the moment it went in aside from the intense cramping.

Can you ask if that’s an option?