IUD Experiences w/ numbing agent please


New member
I made my appointment to get an IUD again and this time around i will be requesting some numbing agents because that first insertion was TRAUMATIC. lol. even if the pain doesn’t fully go away, i’ll take any relief i can take. The first time around it was kyleena and now it will be paraguard! If y’all would like to share experiences w/ paraguard im down for that too (please positive and or factual things only lol). THANKKKSSSSSS
@dres I had an IUD inserted yesterday with local anesthesia and it was the best thing ever. You can read my post here in r/birthcontrol.
@dres I honestly think that an anxiety pill is better than a numbing agent. But that’s just from my personal experience. I’ve had 4 IUDs.
@dres I feel like it helped because I was beyond relaxed. Out of all 4, that was the easiest insertion. I felt a pinch when they used the tenaculum and of course when they sound the cervix but other than that, it was fine.
@dres I was given a numbing agent (some sort of shot on my cervix I think?) and felt almost nothing. Just a bit uncomfortable. It honestly hurt more when my uterus was measured. I was also on my period though, which may have helped.