It's happening!


New member
My wife is 37 weeks and her water broke this morning! I went to work as we weren't 100% sure it'd happen today, but she had the midwives confirm she definitely had her water break so they're saying we've gotta be induced today.

Headed home to pack (thought we had more time, DON'T MAKE MY MISTAKE!), have some burgers, then go to the hospital.

Graduating a bit early but I hope to see all of you on the other side!

Edit 1: 13 hours since water broke. Been given a dose of Cytotec and told we're in for a long couple days most likely. We're using midwives so they're trying to do this with as little intervention as possible. Wife and I have talked an C-section is on the table. We included C-section guidelines in our birth plan so this isn't out of left field, however we don't want to have to go through that recovery. Mom is doing great, got everything all settled in. Prolly gonna take some ambien and try to sleep while we can.

Edit 2: 26 hours since water broke, 16 hours of active labor, cytotec is taking its time but she's hanging in there. Hooked her up to nitrous and took some IV pain meds tk get a few hours of sleep. So far so good, but slow.

Edit 3: He's here! Happy healthy boy, no complications, 5lbs, 15oz. Mom is recovering treat and we're just waiting a couple days then we get to bring him home!
@taj Had a sort of similar situation. Things definitely move fast once the water breaks since they like to have the baby out within 18-24 hours typically (in my hospital at least). It ended up great for us and was somewhat of a blessing to have things move quickly! Congrats, be a good supportive partner, and enjoy the ride!
@janonby She unfortunately was only dilated about.5 Centimeters 3 hours ago so we're having to be induced. Here's hoping we don't have a super long night ahead!
@taj For my wife getting induced it was like 15-16 hours to get to even 5cm and then wham from 5 to 10cm and baby arriving in like 1 hour. Keep positive and know that things start slow but the pace picks up eventually. It’ll go great!
@taj loving the chill burger break in the middle of that. I'm glad that we will have a private midwife at home and she will tell us when to go to the hospital, otherwise we would be there 2 days before labor probably
@taj I just graduated 2 days ago at 37+2!

It’s the best of both worlds because baby is all safe and mom gets to turn in the last few weeks of being miserably super-pregnant!

Congrats and good luck with the incoming exhaustion. Sleep and nap WHENEVER you can!
@taj Same boat as you basically. They pushed up induction appointment and they started her on Cyto. Almost ready to settle in for the night. Good luck mate!
@infoiglesia We're attempting to get some sleep but the contractions are finally setting on the moment midnight hit lol

This baby boy is already running our schedule however he wants and he's not even officially here yet.
@taj Haha, identical to us. The wife is feeling it more and more. Hoping she can get some sort of rest before things progress even more. Feeling helpless, but all we can do is be there for them. We’re at 41 weeks as of today.
@infoiglesia You're in a tougher position than I, 4 more weeks of late term pregnancy sounds unbearable to add this experience on top of.

Best of luck my dude, just do what you can and sneak her snacks.
@taj She just opted for the epidural. We talked it over for a while and decided. Brutal watching her go through it. Hopefully she will get some rest now. Finally settling in at 4am 😅 See you on the other side.
@taj Cytocen is so strange - some women take days to react and they slowly increase the drip. Some women, like my wife, take 2-3 hours apparently. We were 5 weeks early and doctors told us same thing they told you - long couple days, etc. I think we got checked in at like 8pm - at around 10, doctor told us to get some rest. I was about to fall asleep and wife starts yelling "go get the nurse, something is WRONG!" I panic and grab the nurse, and our kid was born like 12 mins later. Good luck, and enjoy the memory in real time! She went from 1cm to ready in a matter of hours. Every body reacts differently to that crazy drug.