Is this housework?


New member
Sewing is my one great hobby. It also entails embroidery and quilting. I mostly sew for others especially my 3 y/o son, so (since this year) almost all his clothes are self-made. Of course I'm also the one to care for household items, like sewing table cloth, curtains, bike covers, etc and a lot of
birthday and Christmas presents for my and my husband's family are sewn/made by me. Recently, my son wished for a pink dinosaur costume for Halloween, so I'm sewing that right now.

Would you categorize sewing as house work? I do it for fun and 90% of it in my fun time and also pay for fabric and zippers, etc with my fun money. I just wondered how other sewer/seamstresses handle their hobby when it's a real asset to their family, e.g. helps financially.
@claudiaramus That sounds amazing. But no, I wouldn't classify it as housework. I would classify it as a hobby. I'm not sure how it is where you are, but where I am finished clothes are cheaper than fabric and used clothing packs (garbage bags full of used clothes) are cheaper again.

It does sound awesome though.
@ambasea Thank you :)

Yeah, I think you're right. Regarding clothes, sewing vs. buying breaks even. Since the pandemic started, there are no flea markets here so getting cheap second hand clothes is hard. The higher quality/brand second hand clothes are sold in second hand stores here and cost about the same or maybe a bit less than sewn clothes. I do buy almost all of my fabric in sales and upcycle a lot of old adult clothes to toddler clothes though :) And fast fashions clothes are of course cheaper but ethically against my family's believes (same with fabric tho, I only buy the bio eco cotton - on sale 😅)

For presents, I think it safes a lot of money if we were to gift the same things bought. Quilts are ridiculously expensive because of the sheer amount of time that goes into them. But if I didn't want to sew them, we'd just gift something less expensive.

Thank you now I appreciate my hobby more 🥰
@ambasea I agree. I wouldn't classify as housework because we dont really need to mend clothes anymore and I can find free costumes on my local neighborhood app. But it is a very valuable hobby and a skill and I wish I had your skills.

I feel like housework is more things that need to be done for a functioning house like washing dishes, laundry, paying bills, grocery shopping, making food. You dont really NEED a pink dinosaur costume but its freaking awesome that you can make one. But if you want to categorize it as housework you can. Its just in my opinion and in MY house I wouldn't.
@katrina2017 Oh, I had the feeling that making quilts myself is way cheaper than buying quilts of the same size/intricacy. E.g. my sister wished for a wedding quilt as her wedding present from me and similar quilts online cost easily twice or three times as much as the material cost for the self-made quilt. And baby quilts often cost next to nothing because I make them out of scraps from other projects ;)