Is this a BFP or Positive HPT b/c of LH peak?


New member
Update: HCG 52 1/27, I’m assuming I’m super early and hope my baby wasn’t harmed

CD 11 (I think), E@H & Inito test

TW: Miscarriages/CP/infant loss
A little history: I had a recent CP on 12/15, HCG went down to 0 by 12/21
Thought I had my period on 1/16 but period was super light for 2.5 days but still bright red blood and clots. I’v been having weird off and on cramps since 1/10. We went to RE because I have a history of multiple CPs and Infant loss after severe HELLP at 25 weeks. Next steps were to do endometrial biopsy on 2/7 to rule out endometritis then do karotyping.
Well today I had some super bright red bleeding without cramps and clots for 2.5 hours. I freaked out and made a OBGYN appt. Dr thinks it’s my body is just being weird this 1-2 cycles post my CP and recommended to do biopsy today since I was already there but THEN Dr says “I want to be transparent with you, your pregnancy test was negative at 3 minutes and very faint line at the 4 minute line.” I told the MA that my urine was super diluted when I gave it to her at 2:30pm. But my DR drops this info at the very last minute before starting the biopsy and I totally didn’t think to say “HEY MY URINE IS DILUTED!” I’ve been having super weird dizzy, headache and nausea spells this week so I thought, What if I’m pregnant? But none of the dates were adding up. She (Dr) said I’m not reading into this because it was negative at 3 minutes. And with all the CPs, I wanted to know if endometritis is the reason I can’t get my babies to stick! So, I said okay and did the biopsy. She said if I was pregnant this would disrupt it but again believed I wasn’t. She told me to keep testing (my Lh) so, I can start my progesterone 3 days post ovulation again. Well I couldn’t resist, and took a E@H HPT and the line came out quick at 2 minutes. Please tell me that you can have these lines with peak LH? I’m freaking out! Is it the same as your LH can be high when you are HCG is positive because the test can’t tell the difference or am I just trying to comfort myself that I may have made a huge mistake going with the biopsy?!?

Look at lines in my TFAB line Porn post, if need reference.
@ihaveagod If you’re seeing a faint positive HPT very early in the cycle, you should see your doctor for bloodwork and ask for an ultrasound — this is a red flag for ectopic pregnancy.

High LH will not cause a pregnancy test to be positive, only the reverse (pregnancy tests are specific for hCG, while ovulation tests will pick up both LH and hCG).
@mcg1102 Thank you so much for answering. Yesterday, I can’t believe she let it slip yesterday. Doing HCG blood test today and messaged my regular OBGYNS. I have a history of ectopic too.
@ihaveagod Pregnancy tests are accurate and not affected by LH levels. Ovulation tests can be affected by being pregnant but not the other way around. You need to get blood tests a couple of days apart to see your HCG levels and whether it's rising.
@ihaveagod I don’t think the test you posted is positive, but you should go in for a blood test to be safe because this does raise red flags for ectopic. It’s incredibly irresponsible for your doc to continue with the biopsy with even the tiniest possibility that you might be pregnant. Find a new doctor.
@rjl Yes, she is not my regular just the only one available at the clinic I go to. Going to get blood work now. I have missed my regular OBGYNs. My HPT this AM (12 hours later) was definitely pink and a line but not dark. I have hx of ectopic. Definitely watching for any red flag symptoms
@ihaveagod Did you schedule a repeat beta and an ultrasound? I would like to reiterate that a faint positive at the beginning of the cycle is highly suspicious for an ectopic, especially given that you have a history of ectopic.
@tarper I went to ER today. They did an ultrasound and no ectopic or sac visual. HCG rose to 69.9. They are thinking it’s very early. I have repeat HCG all this week. The hospitalist OB believes the biopsy may have missed the baby since it was microscopic. It was faint positive because the HCG was low. Today the line was pink and visual.