Is my 3 month old eating enough?


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LO just completed 3 months recently. She currently averages between 18-22 oz a day. Hasn’t ever exceeded 22 oz. She’s a great sleeper and is a happy baby overall. Her paediatrician was fine with her weight gain but I’m still a bit worried that she’s eating less for her age (Birth weight - 2.9 kgs and is currently 5.6 kgs). She also doesn’t have a fixed eating schedule. Will sometimes have a 4oz bottle and request for 2oz within the next 2 hours. I would like to transition her to taking larger bottles spaced out but her naps seem to get in the way. I would have to wake her up to make this happen. Any help / advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance x
@juanquin Honestly don’t listen to “recommended” averages. Offer her the bottle once or twice, let her take what she wants and that’s it. I wish I never would’ve started worrying about how much my baby ate because now I’m dealing with constant feeding issues/anxiety. Just let her eat what she wants.
@yamyak Same here! Even if my baby sleeps for longer durations at night I can’t seem to chill cause I’m worried she’s not eating enough and I tend to wake up constantly out of sheer stress.
My LO also had a serious bout of jaundice at birth which has resulted in me stressing about her intake 24/7 😭
@juanquin If she's gaining weight, seems happy and eats when she wants then I don't see any reason why you should worry.

Mine is 14 weeks and is fed on demand and has doubled his weight. Yours have almost doubled her weight and I assume she's also fed in demand.

As long as she's progressing she's getting what she needs :)
@jodys82 Yup I feed on demand. I've worried that maybe I was over feeding my LO based on recommendations but then it just made him cry and be upset because he was hungry. So I just get based on hunger cues too. My LO is good at refusing milk when he full at 10 weeks.
@juanquin My now 11 month old has rarely drank more than 22oz a day. I did have to feed him through the night until about 6 months old because half of his intake was overnight. I wish I wouldn't have worried about his weight as much as I did. If they're happy and weight is maintained there isn't much more we can do! I know it's so crazy that others intake so much but I would try your best not to compare.