Is it weird? Nipple size


New member
Our 9 week old girl is in Dr Brown size P nipples. She’s eating in a good time and shows no distress. Only issue is that at night she falls asleep during feeding, but I think that’s more a sleepy girly thing than a nipple issue. I thought it was odd she was still on the ‘preemie’ nipple, so we tried a 1 and it seemed way too fast for her. She was spitting most of it out and seems to be struggling.

Is it weird that she’s still on the P at 9 weeks? Should I be concerned about something else, or if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it?

TIA :)
@wrennelson143 All babies are different so definitely not weird! But if you’re wanting to try to move up there is actually a “T” nipple size (means “transition”) between premie and 1. We were on the T size for months!