Is hyperactivity in child is a cause of concern?

My nephew is 5yrs old now. We observed some of his peculiar habits which he often does voluntarily/involuntarily (we don't know).

Activities observed :
1. Over excitement : played air hockey with him (he plays quite well) and he gets involved too much, which ig is fine. But his movement, gestures, and facial expressions is lil bothering. As if there is a sudden rush of overexcitement for a short instant of time. Also, when he wants to say something or share about, he stutters a lot and repeats a sentence so many times.
  1. Way he walks : since when he was 3 yrs old, he has been walking quite awkwardly (on toes, heel up) and when we say not to do it, he sometimes gives ears and sometimes he doesn't.
  2. Normal situation in social place (around people) : he can't be at a single place, not even sit. He gets obsessed with things very quick, though we try to observe his actions (when and how) but still couldn't figured it out yet.
Although we ill be going for an appointment next week, posting here to just hear ur opinions guys, or any of ur child has same issues or any noble thoughts are appreciated. Thank you!
@ofnumberedchosen This sounds like more ASD (autism spectrum) with echolalia, dis-regulation, and sensory seeking.

Tippy toes, repetitive sentences, fixation are big flags here that indicate it.

While ADHD is possible: he is VERY young. The likelihood of ASD is much more likely.

Take him to evaluated so the family can learn how to best support
@ofnumberedchosen They can overlap. I would be careful letting anyone online or in person diagnosis a child so young. Early childhood ages are in a fragile and complex state of development. Only medical professionals or clinicians are able to provide an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.

For example: try treating someone with the cold and cough with over the counter medicine. They don’t see progress so they go to the doctor.

Well it turns out they actually had pneumonia and require a different approach. They progress and all is well.

It’s the same with this case.
@ofnumberedchosen For hyperactivity ADHD is diagnosed at 5 or 6 but this does not likely explain the whole picture here. The toe walking and everything else you mentioned, they are very indicative of Autism Spectrum Disorder. (It is possible both ADHD and ASD with the ADHD being diagnosed later on). They can diagnose Autism Spectrum Disorder at 3. If this is what is going on, he will qualify for Occupational Therapy that will help with any deficits that he may have.
@ofnumberedchosen ADHD most typically is diagnosed in childhood, but is really rare to be diagnosed before kindergarten. That being said, the first item you point out sounds really typical developmentally. The other two are not consistent with ADHD. I recommend doing some reading about the two diagnoses and if you have further concerns, then look for a neuropsychologist to evaluate. Just be careful that you find a neuropsychologist that specializes in diagnosing ASD, not all of them can.