Insurance question


New member
Hi, all!

FTM, B/G di/di twins :) New to this group. Excited to finally be at this point after a very long journey.

I will be moving when I'm around 28 weeks to the east coast to be closer to family, as I am basically single parenting on the west coast and don't have postpartum support. I could potentially go sooner than that, but I am wrapping up some clinical work out here as a student midwife, and am locked into a lease through June. So July feels realistic to finish up my work here and get packed and have some funds for the long drive.

Here's my situation. I will be losing my CA-based health insurance when I move. I cannot bring it with me and cannot purchase a new national policy through that particular means. (I do not have an employer/subscriber plan w my jobs - I had to buy private.)

Has anyone bought a policy from the healthcare marketplace that had good coverage through their twin pregnancy and labor/delivery? I will be in NC (eventual plans to move to SC). FYI, I am seeing an MFM/perinatologist so I will have those needs w a new plan, and the likelihood of this being a C-section is pretty inevitable. I'm ok w that but don't want to get hit w a $30K bill at the end of this. I really don't have it and my financial picture is not great.

Thanks so much for any thoughts!

Note: I do not qualify for Medicare or any of those programs because I am literally working 2 FT jobs to make ends meet. I don't have a better solution right now for the immunology drugs, etc. that I've been on in order to support this pregnancy (which insurance refuses to cover).
@riviere Honestly, I would wait until after you deliver if you can. This sounds really complicated and I would worry about doing a long cross country drive at 28 weeks as well as being able to find reasonable insurance and care in time for delivery.

Can some of your family come to you towards the end of your pregnancy and then plan on moving when the twins are here?
@mattbraunlin Unfortunately I don't have postpartum support out here. I have no idea how I'd be able to do anything after a C-section all by myself with twins.

It would be a huge financial hardship to have family come to me as well - I have nowhere for them to stay. My place is tiny, as I was only meant to be here for 2-3 years doing some clinical work (which I am wrapping up now). I think it will be much harder to move after I have 2 babies post c-section.