Immune impact of stopping breastmilk and starting daycare


New member
Hi folks! I want to stop nursing/pumping and transition my 5.5month old (who was born at 35wks but totally healthy) to formula. But we’re also starting daycare next week during the peak of Viral Infection Bonanza 2022.

Do you know of any evidence that my son will be better able to withstand the exposures of daycare if I keep (a) nursing and/or (b) pumping for him? If so, can I get away with just offering breastmilk once per day? Lastly, do those advantages fade over time (e.g. mostly gone by 6mo/9mo/etc)?

I need some facts to counteract my feelings about weaning and fears of illness at daycare. Any evidence is greatly valued!!
@cees "Disease, allergy-prevention, immunological benefits
Research has shown that the benefits of breastfeeding are generally dose-related: the more breastmilk, the greater the benefit. But even 50 ml of breastmilk per day (or less – there is little research on this) may help to keep your baby healthier than if he received none at all. In fact, the immunities in mom’s milk have been shown to increase in concentration as the quantity of milk decreases.", Partial Weaning and Combination Feeding
@fightingdarkness2009 I’ve read the 50ml or 3-4 oz is still beneficial in a lot of secondary sources but does anyone know where the primary source is? Also interesting that immunities increase in concentration as milk decreases, wonder what’s the primary source for that as well.
@eloheem You’re welcome! I’m in the same boat. LO is 7.5 months and just started daycare. I only pump 2ppd and make enough for ~3 bottles a day. So far I’ve been the only one to get sick with a cold going around. Maybe drop a pump and see how you feel. I send a combo of breastmilk and formula to daycare.