I'm so confused, need direction? Drowsy but awake. Cross post from r/sleeptrain where I only got a spam message. 😭

So this is my 2nd. I was able to put my 1st down drowsey but awake. I don't remember when I started with her. I wish I kept better inventory in my head of things. She also slept through the night but I also don't remember when, but it was before the 4 mo sleep regression.

My 2nd (10 weeks this sat) isn't a great sleeper or napper. He takes like 5-6 cat naps a day. I try to extend them as much as I can. I put him down sleeping for both night and naps. I want to implement Drowsy but awake, I just don't remember how and I cant find any of my old posts about it. Can anyone give me a rundown of how to do it and what do I do if it doesn't work at first? Is it like CIO where I come in for checks? I am aware that he may not take to it at all, hoe many times do I try it before I give up if it doesn't work?
Signed an exhausted rambling mom 😫
@counselorwriterdad 5-6 naps a day is correct for a 10 week old. Mine didn’t drop to 4 naps until almost 4 months, we were doing 5 naps a day for a long time. I recommend the book Precious Little Sleep.

ETA it’s way too young for sleep training. Drowsy but awake is a state baby is in, you can’t sleep train until 4 months at the absolute earliest.
@counselorwriterdad I'm pretty sure my firstborn was around 3 months, maybe even less, when we'd give her her bottle in her bed and then say goodnight and leave and it was fine. I didn't even know that was considered sleep training, my husband just started doing it instinctively. I know it was well before 4 months because we went out of town at that age and she stayed with my parents and I told my mom to just do that. Mine didn't cry at all (maybe once a week or less) so I probably wouldn't do it if they consistently cried, and try again a couple weeks later.