I'm not hoarding!!


New member
Someome made an off comment to me like I was hoarding but what people don't realize is not everyone only has 2-3 kids! I have 5 kids and am shopping for my grandparents and am shopping for a months worth of stuff! I have a lot of pull-ups? I am buying pull-ups for 3 kids! My grocery cart does look a bit crazy but I promise we are using it all in a months time and I only grocery shop once a month! I am just grateful my oldest is 7 and so I am not dealing with teenager appetites yet. Anyone else dealing with this when you try to go grocery shopping for your family?
@luke Even with one baby I was surprised at how many diapers we needed to keep in the house to feel like we had enough for a while. I thought one box was plenty. Nope.
@summerwindslady Yes when I had my first I was shocked when I did the math how many diapers we went through a month. Right now we go through about 60 diapers and 190 pull ups a month. My girls are older too! When I had five kids 4 and under I went through about 450 pull ups a month and about 390 diapers per month. We definitely go through a lot less and will be transitioning one kid to only underwear soon and another to only pull ups at night and underwear during the day soon and no more diapers (she is my last in diapers she wore them part time with pull-ups). So I will have to buy even less!
@luke Same! We have four children from 16 to 10. Because of everything being limited I am lucky if I can get away without shopping every other week now. It’s awful and people act like I am hoarding but I am just trying to normal shop. I understand we need to ration but I always need more milk and bread than I am allowed.
@luke Same! I have two teenage boys and 9 year old girl and a 6 month old. Husband and mother in law in the same household. I am considering an essential worker so since I have to go out anyway I take care of shopping needs for my house and my parents. My two brothers mid-twenties live with them so Yeap I get those looks. Not hoarding just big family.
@luke Household of 3 adults and 5 kids. Managing with the restrictions has been difficult! But the one adult who deals with the shopping has been getting certain things we go through quickly every time she’s out or is taking someone else out (we’ve got a couple friends who can’t drive so she ends up going to the shops 2-4 times a week). It really sucks that the options are going to a half dozen shops to get everything we need in one trip, or spread them out across the week.
@luke At the grocery store a couple weeks ago I just kept exclaiming out loud “5 teenagers!! 8 humans in my house to feed!” Now imagine 4 people who menstruate and everything you need for that. That was a fun trip to the store.
@luke My eldest of five is turning 13 shortly. I have only just started to encounter his appetite, mostly because we have a fruit before snacks rule that is heavily enforced. My toddlers though, will eat me out of 8kgs of bananas and grapes week.
@luke I shop once a month and literally had to tell like 5 people that I wasn't hoarding food but 5 people who are home 24/7 eat more than I thought, I didn't get enough to last. Usually my shopping lasts a month but we would eat out more and when my husband worked days he'd just eat a snack and then dinner...now it's 3 meals a day for 4 + snacks and a baby starting solids. And the youngest are both in diapers so... That's an awkward one 😂😂
@luke Honestly screw the critics. Even if you WERE hoarding, isn’t that somewhat understandable? Everyone is going around judging people when everyone is worried in some way. And that’s ok. None of us have ever experienced anything like this in our lifetime. It is ok to feel however you feel. Get what you need for your family and smile at all the haters. S
@luke Same, 5 kids here. The oldest is 12 but adult sized and my husband is 6'7 and 300 pounds so, I definitely have to shop in bulk.
@luke My poor mother is the same way. I am one of 6 so there are 8 people quarantined at my parents house plus 3 dogs and some goldfish (2 of the fish have since unfortunately passed during this time) my mom called me in tears because someone shammed her at the Costco because the woman thought she was she was panic buying stuff but she was just trying to get stuff since all of my siblings came from schools at basically the same time and it went from just 3 people to 8 and all their animals.
@luke So true! I had a $900 Costco cart and people were looking at me like I was a lunatic. I actually didn’t buy more than 1 of anything, it was just the staples but it adds up. We had just come off a mandated 2 week isolation due to previous exposure to an infected individual, so we had eaten through our fridge and freezer and had to replenish.
I felt like I had to make some sort of announcement so people would stop shooting daggers at me! Frustrating. At least during normal times when I shop with the kids, people can see what I’m dealing with. When I’m alone I just look like a hoarder.
I’m also finding they’re eating more because they’re home and bored so it’s even more than usual.
@luke Same! I tried to buy 2 packs of sausages (same brand 2 different kinds) and the cashier made me put one package back. I have 5 kids, 7 people in my house, 1 package wont even feed my whole family! I just put them both back. I wasn't mad, just thought it was weird.
@luke This is REAL. I went to aldi right after all of this started, when people were going crazy about toilet paper and there was lots of shameful hoarding. I felt like ALL EYES were on me for my massive cart, which was basically like 1 weeks’ worth for my husband and I and our 5 kids. I know the Aldi workers pretty well and my checkout lady, without me even asking was like, “She’s not hoarding, she just has 5 kids. It’s always like this!” Hahahahaha!
@luke I only have two kids and I feel like this. They’re twins though and still in diapers and so I buy diapers like an insane person because we go through them so quickly. Plus, like you, I’m trying time only shop once every so often. I bought 8 things of milk and I know people were staring but that’s only 2 more than what I normally buy for a week!