I'm fairly certain the ISR (swim) instructor for my kids exhibited racism and classism

@disciplinedidea I’m not a POC but I can give you my own personal experience from having 2 kids in 2 different sports yr round…absolutely NO ONE has liked when I advocated for myself or my children. One situation was another gymnastics mom yelling at my kid with the coach. The mom has never liked me or my daughter for whatever reason other than I don’t entertain her drama. After evaluating the situation, they were both wrong. Another was some huge kid punching my son in the face to get possession of the ball at a ball game. Both situations they played victim to me advocating for the kids and polarized me from the rest of the parents. These situations were people of 3 different races to include my own.
Today the scholarship org sent me a receipt for a check they have sent my way. Should reach me in 7 days per them. In my attempt to convince them about Z deceit, I previously sent them proof of only 4 weeks of lessons given yet 6 weekly checks being cashed by the instructor. They have sent me a check for $540 and offered to cover the $120 cashed by Z.