Ideas for Connecting with S/O & Cosleeping


New member
I couldn't find a similar thread here so I wanted to start gathering some ideas for how my spouse and I can make time to connect both emotionally and physically while I still cosleep with my son. Right now I try to put my LO down early to try to have some evening time to myself but it seems like the trade off is that I get crap sleep because my LO does his longest stretch for the first part of the night and then tosses and turns/feeds throughout the rest of the night when I'm trying to sleep.

I would love to hear any and all ideas and thoughts!
@jacob40524 Nap time! Especially if you're able to sneak away. I roll away after my baby is asleep and hubby and I hang out! We will watch a movie or something while baby naps. We also like to incorporate our baby when he is awake so we spend quality time as the three of us going on drives, adventures, etc.