I'd like to dedicate this song to my diva cup

I have been a long-time menstrual cup user. For about 9 years, I used a Keeper (the natural rubber kind). It was fine, a little leaking here and there, but got the job done. After my first was born, I kept using the same cup because (I thought) since I didn't have a vaginal birth I didn't need to go up a size. Plus, we were going to try again in another 2 years, and I didn't want to have to replace it again before and after. Well, the leaking got worse and worse, it was only catching about 50% of my flow. The months stretched on, we tried and tried to get pregnant without success, and each period made me sad, resentful, and angry as hell. Dealing with a mess everywhere and using old diaper doublers as menstrual pads but bleeding through them because my fucking keeper couldn't do it's job made me miserable. So December 2014, we do a last-ditch IVF. We created one fucking measly embryo. During the 10 or so days after transfer, when I was trying to come to terms with the fact that we'd basiclly tossed a bunch of money on a bonfire for nothing, I bought a size 2 Diva Cup to tempt the universe into not letting me use it. What do you know? the universe is susceptible to reverse psychology.

You guys, this is now my 3rd PP period (FML I got it back at 3.5 months despite round-the-clock exclusive BFing) and I've had NO leaking. I wore it to bed last night and emptied a full cup this morning, but I didn't have to change the sheets. I'm not stuck at work hoping no one notices my stained scrubs. I got my menstruating groove back, y'all.

Also, I wish someone would have told me waaay back in the beginning that the size up could have helped, even pre-baby.
@garrettthecarrot Yes! It's awesome! No leaks is freaking... revolutionary! I now trust my cup enough to go NO PAD, which I never could do on tampons. My goldilocks cup is the Super Jennie size 2. I have the Diva Cup too but the SJ is softer and I like the handle thingy more.
@stewart01 Yeah, I'm not a fan of how slippery the silicone is -- the rubber in my Keeper definitely had a higher friction coefficient, if you know what I mean. I had one drop-in-toilet moment, thankfully it was at home with clean water. I'm much more careful with it now.