I should be in bed but I'm overthinking instead


New member
I was so worried time would be stolen away as my baby's grew but I've realized as much as i do feel sadness when their little fists stop smelling like cheesy goodness and i pack away the smaller size baby clothes and when they stop scrunching when picked up after a nap, or when they don't really have that "wow" look on there faces after trying fruits and new foods, it's replaced with the "OOOoooooh" noise they make when they see their favorite food on their plate at lunchtime, it's the floppy cuddle as you trudge upstairs because they fell asleep in the car after a long day out and about and it's them running around with their first little pair of shoes on and them smelling of fresh bath while your getting them to bed that reminds you they're warm, comfortable and clean. I can imagine this only repeats itself with every stage and i really hope i never forget to see these little things even after a long horrible, stressful and emotional day, those beautiful moments make me wish i could pause time and it definitely doesn't help when those tiktoks saying "iMaGiNe ThIs MoMeNt Is ThE oNlY MoMEnt YoU cAn Go BaCK tO wHeN yOUr OlD aNd dEprEssed, So ChEriSh iT lIkE iT Is... one day you'll miss all of these days " 🥲
@bubanz My LO turns one next month and I completly forgot about the cheesy hands 🥲. She also was a grunter and barely fit in her onesies. I was just too tired to appreciate it all. I hate that I can't go back but that's ok, my big girl needs me 🥲
@bubanz Those post always make me so sad. But I’m also hoping every stage will feel amazing its own way. At first I was so sad thinking about my baby growing up, but every week more of his personality comes out. I also remind myself it’s a huge blessing to get the opportunity to watch him grow up. The alternative would be way worse..

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