Long read: Okay so boom … beginning of last month I left a 5 yr dv relationship with my 1yr old sons father , you’ll see how that correlates in the end . 😵‍💫

Well I go to get my first iud ever on the 26th of last month .
Didn’t really want (bc )at first because I was just refraining from sex anyways and was scared of side effects and period flow because mine are already heavy .

Well OB recommended the copper iud because it can help periods lighten and has no hormones for side effects so I’m like perfect ! I choose that one . I get it put in everything’s cool no complaints.🤗
So I start talking to an old fling from high school on the 28th and we decide to catch up , well that led to sex 😂 but before he put the condom on I look up “how long after copper iud insertion can you have sex” everything said it works immediately after inserted so I’m like cool it’s been 3 days now cause it’s past 12:00 fk the rubber let’s go . He ends up c***g in me .
Everythings cool and im chilling until I’m talking to my sister in law who literally works at my OB’s office and was in the room when I got it my iud inserted . Im talking to her about what happened and how im glad I have the copper iud . She tells me they didn’t give me the copper they gave me the mirena …..EXCUSE ME WHAT????
Then she says but (OBGYN) is on vacation until april 10th …..
so I have (OB) personal number from having my son, and I text him my situation and he blows me off because he’s on vacation .
I call the (OB) office that Monday morning to confirm what iud is actually in my body and boom it’s the mirena . I tell Lady on the phone the situation then tells she me there’s no where any where showing I wanted a copper iud. And that all they had down was mirena or nexplanon…..idek wtf nexplanon is so how is that right. And I never knew about mirena until this situation . I’ve only had the patch before
Well now I’m mad asf because I have a device in my body I DID NOT WANT OR CONSENT TO . Literally it has everything I was trying to avoid in a (bc). AND NOW I COULD BE PREGO because mirena works after a week!! I had sex day 3 thinking I had the copper!
And I’m like well I need to know what can be done asap because I know what I asked for ! Hell the doctor was the one who recommended it to me in the first place ! And now I have something completely different inside of me I do not want ! And I could be pregnant because of this mistake! She then tells me she can get me an appointment for the 15th but that’s all she can do because they don’t come back till April 10th and hangs up . Why would she not get me in on the 10th if they come back on the 10th???🤔
Like is this a malpractice lawsuit????
Has this happened to anyone else before???
This is not right and they are trying to make me seem like I made the copper iud up I feel like I’m going crazy.
My life would hit rock bottom if I end up pregnant ! I just got out a dv relationship I’m already restarting my life from scratch again with a 1 yr old also if he finds out I’m pregnant omg .
And I know that if I am pregnant that it’s my fault for having unprotected sex but I was under the impression I had a birth control that worked immediately. And I live in ky, abortions not legal.
Now I’m playing a waiting game that can literally make or break my life while (ob) is enjoying his vacation 🫠.
@andyleechristian Yes, but for something to work as emergency contraception it must take effect quickly. You can have mirena placed up to 5 days after sex and it’s effective as EC. If it took another week to take effect, there would be enough time for fertilization and possibly implantation.

Mirena themselves haven’t conducted these studies, but third party researchers have. Based on this, I would say your risk level here is very low. Still take a pregnancy test in 21 days, get the correct STI screening, and hash out the communication issue here with your doctor.
@andyleechristian So a few things
Mirena is effective immediately, any iud that can be used for emergency contraception is effective immediately.

Second your doctor lied about copper IUDs. They do not reduce bleeding they significantly increase it and cramps. The only ones that do are hormonal IUDs. This sounds like a miss communication.
@andyleechristian Soo, thats a shitty situation when your doctor did a mistake

You said that you doc told you that the Cooper IUD helps with a heavy flow and makes it lighter which is false, the hormonal ones ( Minera, Skyla, Kyleena are the ones that helps ). The Cooper one makes things preety heavy usually, and its not recommended for people who experience heavy flows and bad cramps. He swap the names unintentiolly without realising he said Cooper IUD instead of Hormonal one and the whole thing was a bad communication situation. It would be a better ideea for you to do your research before you go to the GYN and come with your own method of protection that you find out its suit you and discuss more with a specialist. In this case, if you knew the difference between hormonal and Cooper IUD regarding side effects, you could probably have spotted the mistake. Its no point to regret, it happends, we are people. From now on, I recommend you to be more careful and do your homework, to have more knowladge before you do anything. You can find plenty of info about bc here and not only

At what moment of your cycle did you have sex? Right after your period or later? Maybe you can rely on the fact that you didint ovulate and the iud could thicken the mucus a bit and luckly stop any fertilisation. Worst case scenario, search where you can have a medical abortion if a test comes back positive and thats the most effective solution regarding your issue.

I wish you health and take care sis, its gonna be alright, I promise, so stay strong and be calm, stress can mess up with your head a lot
@noodoe5sixteen He said with the copper I would have heavy period and cramps for the first like 3 months then it would decrease to pretty much nothing overtime . Plus he stated copper has no hormones means no side effects like weight gain or acne which I told him was scared about from the get go . Plus he has me on Phentermine (weight loss meds) so a mirena just makes no sense . so I don’t believe it was just a name switch truly . Because when I seen the registration lady before I left she was like “oh you chose the copper , good choice hun” I said “yeah I chose it cause It has no hormones

I had sex about 2 weeks after my period . And yeah I’m not against worst case scenario but boy is that gonna be tricky too .

Thank you for your kind words/opinion
@bossyboots She was the assistant in the room that day who set everything up and handed him the stuff.
And yeah but I will say he didn’t say it would go away immediately he said the first like 3 months I will bleed and cramp my worst and then it will be lighter and lighter every time to almost nothing
@andyleechristian Your doctor sounds like a charlatan. Copper IUDs are notorious for making periods heavier and more painful - one of the main reasons people get them removed is the unmanageable periods. I’m not sure if it’s malpractice as this depends on where you live but definitely take this as far as you can. You can call lawyers who specialise in healthcare and ask for free advice to see if you have any legal standing here. There are legal threads on reddit too, so maybe pop a post on one of those. If you can’t file a malpractice claim then definitely put in an official complaint. I would also eventually look into changing healthcare providers if possible. Even if it was a genuine mistake on your doctor’s part, they should be more diligent in their record keeping and consultations because pregnancy and birth control can be life altering, so this should have never happened in the first place. There’s a massive consent issue here as well!

The Mirena can be used as emergency contraception if inserted within 7 days from the start of your period. If it’s not too late, take plan B, and take a pregnancy test in a few weeks. Wishing you all the best!
@jameslog Planned Parenthood also state that conception can happen without penetration, so do with that what you will. Hardly a reliable source if you ask me. Those on Mirena have to use a second form of contraception for a week if inserted more than seven days after the start of their period. See below.

Either way, the larger issue here is her doctor fitting the wrong type of IUD when OP has clearly stated she does not want hormonal birth control.

Planned Parenthood

@katrina2017 New studies have found Mirena effective immediately as emergency contraception. If you don’t like Planned Parenthood, here’s some others.





So while yes of course there’s a huge issue with OP being misled and given the wrong IUD, no use in scaring them more than they already are. Mirena can and is being used as emergency contraception off label.
@andyleechristian Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't it be a good idea if you took plan B?

I'm really sorry you live in a place where abortions aren't legal. I hope you have means to go somewhere else to get it in the worst case scenario.