i cant interact w/kids because i had no imagine or creativity as a child ???


New member
ok this may sound a bit confusing so bare with me here please lol.

so i, even as a very young kid, never had the ability to imagine certain things and create scenarios like the other kids did while playing. for example when playing with dolls, other kids would make different voices for them and come up with cool story’s to act out. i couldn’t ever do that tho. i was pretty much unable to see them as anything other than a /doll/ - all i used to do was dress them up and do their hair.

another example would be arts and crafts. i couldn’t (and still cant) do anything other than what’s shown to me. like if you picture a kids disney colouring book and the cover has a half coloured picture of ariel combing her hair w/a fork - somewhere inside that colouring book is that same picture that you can now colour yourself . but i would now only be able to colour it the exact way i saw it on the cover. same colours and shading - everything. i remember my cousin would sometimes colour cinderella with brown hair and a red dress and it always made me so upset because that wasn’t right?? like what??

i also remember getting these little clay mermaid magnets that you could paint and they had pictures on the box so i followed all the exact designs in the picture on the box cause once i’d seen them i couldn’t do anything else??

i also wasn’t able to just mess around with legos or blocks without following instructions and making what they were supposed to make. like i had a set that would make a barn and would only ever make a barn. there were so many pieces and my brothers could make castles and houses and people even and all i could do was the barn from the box.

i really don’t like kids and i think this is a huge reason as to why. i am physically unable to think the way they do and have been unable to do so my whole life. i cant understand how they’re able to just do whatever like,, scribbling outside the lines??? as soon as i was conscious enough to recognize patterns i could never bring myself to do that like why??

anyone got any kind of explaination or reasoning was i just a dull kid

also y’all i was a fun kid and knew how to play and have fun,, i just couldn’t come up w /anything/ new.