I can’t get my 4 month old to sleep by himself


New member
My 4 month old will not sleep by himself, every-time we lay him in his own bed he starts kicking and wiggling free of being swaddled, rubs his eyes and starts to cry. The only way we have successfully been able to get him to sleep for long stretches of time is when he sleeps with us and we wake up and pat his butt when he gets active. But we really want him sleeping in his own bed because I have my own fears about co sleeping and I would like him to be able to sleep independently.
@mimisqueeze Try to get the baby used to the crib gradually. I put my baby in her crib for the first half of the night and the second half i put her in bed with me. Also let the baby play a little in crib so the place becomes familiar. Also try with naps first in crib then go to night sleep in crib. I try to extend the period she sleeps in bed every few days. Not gonna lie is alot of work but is a gentle training that i can agree with since i am not confortable with the cry it out method.
@nilssin Good to know! I’m not comfortable with cry it out either. We’re going to start implementing a bedtime routine so we’ll definitely make putting him in his own bed at least half the night part of it.