I am desperate!!!


New member
I am 4 days postpartum. I woke up fine this morning but after I ate breakfast I had this urgency to go pee. I had peed this morning but when I sat down there was nothing there. The feeling didn’t go away!! It’s not a burning sensation, it’s more like. I’m on the I either have to pee the worst I’ve ever gone in my life or I’m on the verge of a orgasm but I can’t tip the top and it is not going away. Y’all, I even tried the obvious, it didn’t help. It gets worse when I actually pee, the sensation is like... building to the biggest O but not going over the top. My husband think it’s just normal healing process... but, how long will it last! This is baby #2 and I don’t remember anything like this with baby #1. (Oh and my doc is closed for the holidays or else I would be calling there instead of asking all you lovely internet people). This is driving me absolutely crazy! What can I do to make it go away!
@firetested It could be an early uti, so try to just keep drinking to flush it out. Or maybe you have some discharge in your clit area. Try to clean that area really well and even “lift it up” if you can.
When I was near the end of my pregnancy this happened to me because of the increase in discharge. Kinda gross, I know, but it’s that same sensation.
@firetested Your OB should have a nurse hotline number (like the one you call if you think you may be in labor but really aren’t sure yet). This is usually an after hours & holiday number. I suggest giving them a quick call just so you have peace of mind.
@firetested I had this happen. Thought it was normal so I let it go on a week with interrupted pees the whole time. Sometimes I could pee little by little... Eventually I had to call the ambulance because I thought I was dying. I got there and they drained a liter of pee out and discovered 3 kidney stones. NEVER HAD THEM IN MY LIFE. I would have a Dr check you.
@katrina2017 Turns out the itching was normal healing but it was so intense that was masking a kidney infection! I started running a fever (something I never usually get)... anyway a round of antibiotics later I’m all good, except for a cold! The joys of older kids in school!
@firetested I'm glad you are recovering well. It's so hard to tell when there is an issue when recovering from giving birth. Sorting out what is abnormal and what is "part of the deal" is pretty agonizing. Keep up the healing and thanks for the update!